Wakandan Kills Wife and a Cop

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2017

I’m sure it was in self-defense.

It’s not like Wakandans to be randomly violent. They’re a highly sophisticated group of jungle-based gentlemen.


The domestic violence that ended with Mobile Police Officer Justin Billa’s death is nothing new to the couple involved. Officer Billa was shot and killed Tuesday night after responding to a homicide call. Fonda Poellnitz was the victim of that homicide. Police say her ex-husband, Robert Hollie shot and killed her before killing Officer Billa, and eventually turning the gun on himself.

Court documents from their divorce, and arrest records from Mobile County show a history of violence between the couple. But those accusations are not against the ex-husband, rather against Poellnitz. Records show that she had been arrested three times for domestic violence, in 2000, 2002 and 2015. It’s unclear if the 2000 and 2002 charges involved Hollie since divorce records show the couple was married in Pensacola in August of 2013. News 5 has requested police records to learn more about her arrest record. Mobile Police have made it clear however that Peollnitz is the victim in this case, that her ex-husband is responsible for Tuesday night’s deadly violence. The records however do shed light on the family situation and how it eventually ended with the death of a Mobile Police officer.

Robert Hollie, Fonda Poellnitz, Justin Billa.