As “woke” recedes in America a bit, small and irrelevant countries are attempting to take up the mantle in order to gain some notoriety.
No one ever even heard of “Wales.” I mean, people have heard of whales the animals. Most people saw Free Willy, a fantastic achievement in cinema. But no one knew there was a country called that.
Now they want everyone to know their name, to think of weird George Floyd gibberish instead of Free Willy when they hear the word “Whales.”
The leftist Labour Party government of Wales has vowed to reshape the “beliefs and behaviour of the white majority” of the British country in its quest to eliminate racism by the end of the decade.
In a “refresh” to the Welsh government’s “Anti-Racist Action Plan” released quietly last week, recently-installed First Minister Eluned Morgan reaffirmed her “commitment to building an inclusive and equitable society for all our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people and communities in Wales.”
Eluned, whose position roughly equates to that of governor in the United States, also doubled down on previous locally-devolved Labour governments to “Wales an anti-racist nation by 2030,” declaring that her government’s “resolve is as strong as ever” to complete the woke mission.
Everyone in Europe is so pathetic.
Why the hell do they even care about George Floyd? I don’t understand Americans caring about him either, but Wales is all the way over on the other side of the ocean.
What does George Floyd have to do with their lives?
To accomplish such a feat, Cardiff will seek to transform and mould the inner thoughts of Welsh citizens, particularly the “white majority”, who comprise nearly 94 per cent of the British nation’s population.
The plan called for “long-term changes in knowledge, beliefs, experiences, and behaviour as well systemic and cultural changes” and specifically cited the need for changes in the “beliefs and behaviour of the white majority” including at the “individual” level.
This is really extreme social engineering. When you start talking about using government action to change people’s beliefs, you’ve gone way weird. When you’re doing that in order to conform to aberrant and forced cultural trends in a foreign country, it’s even more egregious.
Even in America, no one said they were going to “change people’s beliefs” because of George Floyd, they just said they would destroy everyone who doesn’t believe like them. This seems reasonable compared to what this old Scottish bag is saying.
Sorry, Welsh I meant.