Wales: Village Wants to Ban Non-Welsh Speakers from Buying New Homes

This place is so racist it literally has “nog” in its name

The Welsh could be taking a page from the book of the Irish and going hardcore racist.

The English are also racists now.

It feels like the whole moronic “anti-racism” thing has run out of steam, and people are finally just saying “we don’t care what names you call us, we don’t want these people living in our home.”

BBC News:

A community council has said it would like for new homes to be limited to people who only speak Welsh.

Botwnnog community council said the housing would constitute an “over development” and feared they could go to non-Welsh speakers.

The county council Cyngor Gwynedd received an application to build 18 affordable homes at the Welsh-speaking village Botwnnog on the Llŷn Peninsula.

“It would be great if the availability of the proposed houses could be limited to Welsh speakers only,” the community council said in a planning report.

The application by R Williams of Cae Capel Cyf has attracted “strong” local objections, according to the report.

Botwnnog community council said that due to “high demand in the area for second homes, short-term accommodation and the power of the tourist trade has led to a substantial influx of non-Welsh speakers to the area for decades”.

“This has led to a major decline in the percentage of Welsh speakers in the nearby communities of Llangïan/Abersoch. This degenerative force does not recognise boundaries,” it continued.

Oy vey!


“As we know, it only takes the presence of a few non-Welsh speaking people to turn the community’s language of communication from Welsh to English.”

It added that the applicant “expects the community to do the necessary integration work. The lesson from the history of many Welsh communities is that this is not likely to happen.”

It also added said it felt there was “no local need” for the homes and that development would add pressure to schools and an “already overwhelmed” local health service.

They’re still framing it as though this is about the English. And it probably partially is. The Welsh (unlike the Irish) are pretty defensive of their language.

But… changing to English is not really that big of a deal, and I don’t think many people even care about it.

What people care about is brown people. We don’t want them. No white people want more brown people, except unmarried women. Unmarried women have been steering this ship for a long time, and it’s time for that to end.

There are more of us than there are of them.

The Welsh language is slowly dying. Maybe put your sluts in check?