Walter White: “I Believe Donald Trump Loves This Country”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2016

I was a bit upset after the guy from my favorite TV show, Breaking Bad, played that communist journalist in the Jewish propaganda film Trumbo.

But he’s redeemed himself in my eyes by defending The Leader.


Bryan Cranston believes Donald Trump “loves this county,” even if he may not agree with the GOP presidential frontrunner’s campaign rhetoric or policy proposals.

The 60-year-old Breaking Bad star told CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield on Tuesday that finger-pointing and highly charged political rhetoric have contributed to widespread dysfunction in Washington, D.C.

The first step in bringing people together, he argued, is to listen to what people on the other side of the ideological divide are saying.

“I want to promulgate the idea that just because someone has a different opinion than yours it does not make them the enemy,” Cranston said.

“So I will say right here, right now, on national television, that I believe Donald Trump loves this country,” he continued. “I truly believe that and I know he does. It’s just that his approach on how to remedy America’s problems differ greatly from what I think should happen.”

It might not seem like much, but saying “I don’t agree with him but I don’t think he’s evil” in reference to an evil racist White man is the equivalent of coming out and saying “GAS THE KIKES – RACE WAR NOW.”

Part of the core argument of the liberal establishment is that anyone who disagrees with them doesn’t actually disagree with them but is simply evil. That’s the only way they’re able to keep-up the argument that right-wingers don’t deserve a platform and should simply be silenced.

The basis for this is always “he’s like Hitler,” as they have successfully managed to push the idea that Hitler wasn’t misguided or wrong, but actually a type of comic book evil mastermind, doing what he did for the purpose of hurting people in order to derive sadistic pleasure.

I would not be at all surprised if Cranston is asked to apologize for these statements.