WaPo Confirms FBI Obtained FISA Warrant for Trump Advisor Carter Page

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2017

Remember a week ago, before Trump bizarrely launched a military assault on Syria, claiming that it was because he felt a feeling when he saw GAS BABY MEME?

Remember that we had just pinned down #RiceNigger on the felonious unmasking of General Flynn and apparent leaking of the unmasking information to the Jew media as part of a plot to bring down the anti-war contingent of the Trump administration?

Because I had sort of forgot about it, but am now remembering it.

Fox News:

The FBI obtained a court order last summer that granted them permission to monitor the communications of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The so-called FISA warrant was granted as part of an ongoing investigation into possible links between Russian officials and members of the Trump campaign, the paper reported.

In a statement to Fox News, Page said he was “excited the truth is coming out.”

“I have done nothing wrong. I have no concerns,” Page added. “I was an obvious target because no one has been more thoughtful and methodical in their criticism of the Clinton/Obama administration foreign policy.”

The Post reported that the government’s application for the FISA warrant cited contacts Page had with a Russian intelligence operative in 2013. According to court documents filed earlier this month in connection with a separate espionage case, the Russian tried to recruit Page as an intelligence source.

Page, who was working as an energy consultant at the time, acknowledged that he “shared basic immaterial information and publicly available research documents” with the operative, Victor Podobnyy. He described the information as “nothing more than a few samples from the far more detailed lectures” he delivered at New York University in 2013.

Page was hired by the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser in March 2016, but left the campaign that September because, as he put it, “these stories kept coming out based on the dodgy dossier.”

Otherwise known as #Pissgate.

Look at this.

This means Comey lied under oath. He claimed that no FISA warrant had been granted to spy on any member of the Trump team. Rogers made the same claim.

Clapper made the claim too, but not under oath, that I can recall. But he said it on TV.

This is the unraveling of the Obama Spy Ring conspiracy.

Under normal circumstances, this would mean we’re about ready to WIN BIG.

But now, no one even has any idea what the hell is going on anymore.