WaPo Freaking Out Trying to Find the Russians Influencing the German Elections

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2017

But can’t they just make them up?

They did that with the US and French elections.


With two weeks left till the general election in Germany, the Washington Post is “worried” to see no evidence of a massive Russian meddling campaign. The article does not, however, consider the possibility that Russia had no intention of conducting one in the first place.

Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 election in the US has become a universal truth for the American media. Many observers and officials on both sides of the Atlantic were expecting ‘Kremlin-controlled hackers and bots’ to act blatantly during this year’s elections in key European nations – France and Germany.

While Macron’s office in France is struggling with his approval rating nose-dive, the eyes of all observers are on Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel is slated to keep her mandate after the September 24 vote.  Despite expectations, there is no evidence of a campaign to derail the election which could be attributed to Moscow, the Washington Post noted last Sunday, asking in the headline “Where are the Russians?

In particular, the newspaper says, the trove of documents stolen in 2015 by hackers who targeted the German parliament never surfaced. The hack was blamed on a group designated APT28 and dubbed “Fancy Bear” by a US cybersecurity firm, which said that the group’s activities coincided with working hours in Moscow and that it must be working for the Russian government because the Kremlin would benefit from APT28 operations. Fancy Bear was named as the party behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee in the US and the Macron campaign hack, among others.

Nor does there seem to be a campaign in social media to spread “fake news” which could affect the outcome of the vote, the Washington Post reported, saying that “Kremlin-orchestrated bots” in Germany have been “conspicuously silent”.

“The apparent absence of a robust Russian campaign to sabotage the German vote has become a mystery among officials and experts who had warned of a likely onslaught,” the newspaper added.

“That’s what makes me worried,” said Maksymilian Czuperski, director of the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab told the newspaper. “Why is it so quiet? It doesn’t feel right.”


I have an answer to that, which is a very obvious answer.

Even if you believed in Russian haxxor conspiracies, there wouldn’t be one to find in Germany.

Firstly, because the system is so rigged that there is absolutely zero chance that anyone other than Merkel can win. On top of that, she has overwhelming popular support, as the idea of self-inflicted genocide by way of population replacement and Islamization is extremely popular in Germany.

Furthermore, Merkel is good for the interests of Russia.

She is destablizing the entire continent. She is behind the plan to force Moslems into Eastern Europe, which could in the case of Hungary result in the election of a pro-Russian party. When the Moslems actually start coming in and doing the raping and the peace truck thing against Eastern Europeans, even the Romanians and Baltic people might decide on the devil they know.

Merkel’s behavior and policies have also led to East Germans marching through the street calling for a Russian invasion of Germany.

So, there is no downside for Russia to Merkel remaining in power until she eventually triggers a race war in Europe.