“I’ll get you Magic Negro! And your fighting pitbulls too!”
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2015

Jews simply cannot process the reality that large numbers of people continue to see them and their behavior on public display and are shocked by their sick neuroticism.
This sick Jew neuroticism was on display this week when Jennifer Rubin, named one of the 50 most powerful Jews in America by the Jewish Daily Forward in 2011 (yes, you are correct: there is no list of the 50 most powerful White men in America), wrote about Ben Carson mentioning the Jew Holocaust.
Writing for The Washington Post, she says she literally thinks he’s worse than Donald Trump, who, as other Jews have told us, has rhetoric similar to Hitler.

Rubin actually looks like what Anne Frank would have looked like if the innocent little kike hadn’t been gassed to death (she wasn’t actually gassed to death, but died of typhus – it’s on her Wikipedia page – homicidal gas chambers were not actually a real thing).
By the way, speaking of sweet little Annie, did you know one of the fake passages her dad wrote in the journal was the masturbation part? The whole journal was fake (weird, huh?), but her father, rather than the Jewish novelist he hired, appears to have added the masturbation part.
Can you imagine hoaxing your gassed teenage daughter’s journal to make millions and feeling a need to insert something about masturbation?
I would personally feel really weird about all of that.
Related: Jew Seth Rogen Tweets “F*ck You” to Negro Ben Carson Over Holohoax Comments
I wrote about said holosplaining by said Magic Negro yesterday. For those who didn’t catch it and don’t want to click that link, he brought up the very popular NRA theory that Jews could have escaped the Holocaust if Hitler hadn’t taken their guns from them.

It is really a flattering statement for Jews. Not only does it assume that their idiot lies about the gas chambers and lampshades and soap are true, it also assumes that somehow a bunch of Jewish bankers and psychotherapists with StG 44s could have somehow done what all the world barely did and taken down Hitler.
Basically, it does for Jews what that movie that Quintin Tarentino made about tough Jews did for Jews. It is an obvious lie, and a good lie for Jews.
But how dare a Negro mention the sacred gassed six million?
Do you goyim even realize they were turned into lampshades?