WaPo Kike Ruth Marcus Praises Trump’s X-Treme Cuckoldry and Shilling

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2017

New passengers on the Trump Train all have ratlike facial features. Why?

A filthy kike over at WaPo, Ruth Marcus, is praising the X-TREME shilling of Donald Trump.

Washington Post:

The question of the moment is what to make of the normalization of President Trump. Not normalization in the way used by the Trump resistance — to argue against becoming inured to unacceptable behavior. But normalization of Trump in the usual sense of the term: that Trump is, if not behaving normally, at least adopting normal positions.

NATO is “no longer obsolete.” China was a currency manipulator and would be branded as such in the Trump administration; now, never mind. Syria was not an American problem; now its behavior is America’s, and Trump’s, “responsibility,” and Bashar al-Assad is a “butcher.” The Export-Import Bank, once bad, is now good; same, maybe, with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.

These about-faces represent, in part, a Trump Tower-size version of the realities that confront any new president. Campaign trail proclamations yield to Oval Office sobriety. That’s not only to be expected — it should, for the most part, also be welcomed.

She notes that all Presidents have changed their positions from campaign to Presidency, but Trump is different.

Of course, Trump’s dizzying string of policy pirouettes is different from the evolving positions of his predecessors. None of them flipped so much, so soon. That’s not surprising. Trump’s learning curve is steeper. His attachment to any particular position is especially flimsy because he lacks any coherent worldview; his guiding ideology involves only the promotion of Trump.

She – of course – praises the rise of her kinsman Kushner, but warns that there are still bad goyim on the loose.

While our attention was focused on Mellow Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was busy reviving a misguided war on drugs, dismantling consent decrees with police departments and cruelly ramping up deportations.

I myself have said that Sessions is going to be the odd man out very soon, still trying to actually do something good for America, while Trump’s entire staff has been replaced with nation-wrecking kikes and kike-servants.

But Ruth is happy that the baddest goyim are gone and going, respectively.

A White House with Michael Flynn gone and Bannon neutered is a better place, and the country is safer for it. Adults are in the (situation) room.

“Adults” is an open euphemism for “Jews.” Which is in itself very interesting, I think.

There’s something happening and here and you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Trump?

This WaPo piece is just one example. It is representative of the entire tone of the media right now.

I could make a whole list, with quotes from every major Jewish paper saying the exact same thing, but there isn’t any reason to. Because they are all saying the exact same thing.

We had a President who was more hated by the Jews than any man since Adolf Hitler.

Now we have a President who is being openly praised by the Jews.

“The more a German person or a German movement opposes the Jew, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.” -Dr. Joseph Goebbels