WaPo, Who Criticized Concept of Trade War with China, Now Saying Trump Pussied Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2018

The top two articles on WaPo right now:

  1. China is winning Trump’s trade war
  2. Critics fear Trump is ceding too much to China on trade

WaPo, if you will recall, was one of the many, many, many Jew-dominated media outlets that attacked Trump over his campaign rhetoric regarding the trade deficit with China.

Basically the whole thing was “this is against globalism, so it is bad” under the guise of “this is going to make your plastic crap from China cost more, goy.”

They had both the standard liberals and the Jew neocons like Max Boot making this point in op-eds for literally years, talking about how horrible it would be to do tariffs, how the entire global order would collapse without unlimited free trade with any and all third world countries.

So for them to now turn around and attack Trump for not going hard enough on negotiations after he initiated a trade war in order to force China to buy products manufactured in America… wow just wow.


That having been said, it does appear that (((Steven Mnuchin))) folded in these negotiations on some key points.

I don’t know about this stuff and don’t write about things I don’t know about, but I’m reading people who do know about it, and they seem to agree this was not a good move.

Scott Paul of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, an advocacy for trade reform, is pissed.

Pat Buchanan was hopeful back in March when Trump began the so-called trade war.

He hasn’t commented on the thing that went down yesterday. I’ll be interested to see what he has to say, as he’s pretty much the authority here as far as I’m concerned.

Anyway, as per my original point: if it was a bad deal, and the Jew negotiator broke, shouldn’t WaPo be celebrating it? That is what they wanted.