Warlord Clinton Says Trump Too Tough on Foreign Policy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2017

Why this bitch is still running around talking is anyone’s guess.

But nothing that she says makes any basic sense.

This bitch was campaigning on starting a war with Russia. And she comes out saying he’s too tough on foreign policy?

Fox News:

With his tough talk and hardline stances on Iran and North Korea, President Donald Trump is damaging America’s credibility abroad – and could provoke a nuclear-arms race in East Asia, Hillary Clinton says.

Trump’s recent threat to decertify the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, “makes us look foolish and small and plays right into Iranian hands,” Clinton said last week.

“That is bad not just on the merits for this particular situation, but it sends a message across the globe that America’s word is not good,” said Clinton, who spoke in advance of Trump’s announcement Friday that he wants Congress and the other nations that negotiated the deal to toughen the requirements for Iran.

“This particular president is, I think, upending the kind of trust and credibility of the United States’ position and negotiation that is imperative to maintain.”

For his part, Trump says that Clinton, as secretary of state under former President Barack Obama, helped negotiate a “terrible” deal with Iran.

Getting tough on Iran is the right approach, the president said.

“We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakout,” Trump said Friday, according to the Washington Times. “Iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal.”

Clinton also denounced Trump’s bellicose language toward North Korea, saying his verbal aggression has rattled U.S. allies.

“We will now have an arms race — a nuclear arms race in East Asia,” Clinton predicted. “We will have the Japanese, who understandably are worried with missiles flying over them as the North Koreans have done, that they can’t count on America.”

Clinton stressed that a diplomatic solution was preferred, and suggested the inflammatory rhetoric played into Kim Jung Un’s hands. She bemoaned Trump’s public undercutting of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson when he tweeted “Save your energy, Rex” after the nation’s top diplomat had suggested negotiations.

“Diplomacy, preventing war, creating some deterrents is slow, hard-going, difficult work,” said Clinton, who declined to answer when asked whether Tillerson should resign. “And you can’t have impulsive people or ideological people who basically say, ‘Well, we’re done with you.'”

I obviously technically agree with Clinton that he’s talking too much about war. Everyone basically agrees with that – he’s being pressured by kikes. And talking about it means he doesn’t actually have to do anything.

But this bitch is in no position to talk.

North Korea and Iran don’t matter. They have nothing to do with anything. They are random, shitty countries.

Hillary wants war with Russia.

She created the European migrant crisis by bombing Libya into a terrorist state basically at random.