Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2015

Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media, which is bought and paid for by the White supremacist lobby, is pushing a very simple – and very false – narrative about the “murder” of White supremacist cop Sean Bolton, allegedly committed by unarmed Black teen Tremaine Wilbourn.
A manhunt was underway Monday for a suspect in the fatal shooting of a Memphis police officer during a drug deal.
Tremaine Wilbourn, 29, faces a first-degree murder charge in the death of Officer Sean Bolton, 33, Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong said at a Sunday news conference.
“He’s a coward,” Armstrong said of Wilbourn. “You gunned down, you murdered a police officer, for less than 2 grams of marijuana. You literally destroyed a family.”
Coward? Murder? Marijuana?
It is incredible that in 2015, the media is willing to give a voice to this kind of racism.
Right now, we have no idea if or why Black teen Wilbourn killed this White supremacist neo-Nazi. We certainly don’t know that he is a coward – based on previous cases, such as that of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice, it is most probable that Bolton was in the process of attempting to murder Wilbourn because of the color of his skin.
Every year, more than 3 million unarmed Black children like Wilbourn are shot down in cold blood by racist cops, but instead of hearing about that, the media tells us of the one time that a Black defends himself.
Armstrong said Wilbourn was a passenger in a 2002 Mercedes Benz that was parked illegally in a southeast Memphis neighborhood Saturday night. Armstrong said Bolton saw the car and shined his squad car’s spotlight on the vehicle.
Bolton then got out of his car and walked toward the Mercedes, Armstrong said. Wilbourn got out of the Mercedes, confronted Bolton, and they got into a physical struggle, Armstrong said.
Wilbourn then took out a gun and fired it, striking Bolton multiple times, Armstrong said. The officer died at a hospital.
Sounds like more racist lies. Why would the officer not have his gun out when confronting someone he thought was a criminal?
Nothing happens when a White officer shoots an unarmed Black teen, so why would he hold back?
Wilbourn and the driver then ran away, Armstrong said. The driver later turned himself in to police, and police described him as a person of interest in the case before he was released without being charged.
Armstrong said Bolton interrupted a drug deal in progress. Officers found about 1.7 grams of marijuana inside the car, which likely would have just resulted in a misdemeanor citation and a fine for Wilbourn, Armstrong said.
More lies. Hundreds of millions of Blacks are currently in prison for life for possessing less than one gram of marijuana. The President is trying to deal with this by releasing many of them, but still, no less than 500 million Blacks remain in prisoned for a little bit of weed – it’s a statistical fact that the White supremacist media will try to skew, but which they cannot deny.
I wish that Tremaine Wilbourn could get a fair shake, but in institutionalized racist America – “land of the White privilege, home of the microaggressions” – I fear he’s going to be locked up for simply trying to stop oppression being done against him.