Washington: Satanic Ape Gets Life Sentence for Murdering White Family and Burning Down Their House

Didn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger kill this thing at the end of Predator?

If any crime deserved the death penalty, this was it.

Then I remembered that Washington state recently banned capital punishment because it was killing off too many precious darkies.

The Jewdicial system in action, folks.

Washington Post:

Abigail and Katerina Savopoulos were teenagers at separate boarding schools in May 2015 when they got the news. The dean of Katerina’s school summoned her into a private office. Abigail got a telephone call from their grandmother.

“There was a fire,” the sisters recalled being told at first. Their parents, younger brother and family housekeeper were dead. Then they learned it was no accident; a man had entered their home, taken their loved ones hostage and then killed them before setting the house ablaze.

“Words cannot describe the pain that is in my heart,” Abigail Savopoulos said. “I think about it every day. I will forever carry their love in my heart.”

On Friday, Daron Wint, 37, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in the killings of the sisters’ father, Savvas Savopoulos, 46; their mother, Amy, 47; their 10-year-old brother, Philip; and Veralicia “Vera” Figueroa, the family’s 57-year-old housekeeper.

The victims were held overnight in the Savopoulos home in upper Northwest Washington, beaten with baseball bats, stabbed repeatedly and then set on fire. The quadruple murder nearly four years ago, in a stately home less than a mile from the vice president’s mansion, gripped the nation’s capital.

“The conduct was heinous, atrocious and cruel,” D.C. Superior Court Judge Juliet McKenna said Friday before issuing the sentence. “Holding them hostage in their home for 24 hours. The conduct is incomprehensible.”

Savvas, Amy and Philip Savopoulos.