Watch: Jew Mayorkas Says Secret Service Should Not Allow Former Presidents to be Shot

Well, I’m glad the Jew responsible for the Secret Service team that clearly stood down and allowed Trump to be shot is sorry.

(To be clear, Mayorkas, who is Jewish, runs the DHS, which means that he personally could have assigned the SS team that was on duty on Saturday, which stood down and allowed the former president to be shot.)

I was really hoping he would give a nice apology.

It means a lot.

New York Post:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who oversees the Secret Service, on Monday slammed the security at Donald Trump’s rally and admitted the gunman never should have had a clear sight on him.

A direct line of sight like that to the former president should not occur,” Mayorkas told ABC News’ “Good Morning America.”

That’s right.

Snipers should not be allowed to shoot former presidents.

I agree with this 110%.

Officials said Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was stationed on a rooftop near Trump’s campaign event in Butler, Pa., on Saturday evening when he fired multiple rounds at the 78-year-old former president and spectators before he was ultimately killed by a Secret Service sniper.

The DHS chief backed President Biden’s call for an “independent review of the incident,” which left Trump injured after a bullet grazed his ear, a spectator killed and two others injured.

We are going to really study the event independently and make recommendations to the Secret Service and to me so that we can assure the safety and security of our protectees, which is one of our most vital missions in the Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security and across the government,” Mayorkas said.

Yeah, well.

I’m not going to hold my breath on that one.

As I wrote in my final Sunday article, I think the details of this are really a distraction, and I’m going to do my best to resist my impulse to engage with them, aside from on the Gamer Uprising forums, where I am mostly doing it for pathological reasons.

I am a person who is able to tell you matter of factly that the details are completely irrelevant. What matters is the fallout.

And the fallout is… well, I’m going to get to that later.

We’re off to a late start today, because I slept in because I was going to literally die.

But at some point this afternoon, I will have another analysis piece up.

You can check it tonight or tomorrow. Because probably, article posting is just going to be pushed back later for the rest of the week, so you can read late or you can read stuff the next morning.

We are dealing with extraordinary circumstances here, for a number of different reasons.