Watch: Mass Walkout as Child Killer Netanyahu Begins UN Speech

It was unclear if Bibi was even going to show up for his speech at the General Assembly, given that excluding Fatmerican dogs, the whole world hates him.

But he kept his chin up and walked in to talk about his need to continue the endless slaughter of innocent people in the name of the Holocaust.

It’s sad that he’s killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the last year, and plans to kill many more than that in the coming year, but it’s not as sad as the time Adolf Hitler stacked a bunch of shoes in a pile. Therefore, the killing must continue.


Israel is seeking peace despite fighting for its life in the face of “savage enemies” who want its annihilation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a closely watched address to the United Nations on Friday.

My country is at war, fighting for its life,” Netanyahu said in a speech at the U.N. General Assembly. “We must defend ourselves against these savage murderers. Our enemies seek not only to destroy us, they seek to destroy our common civilization and return all of us to a dark age of tyranny and terror.”

In his speech, he sought to pin blame for the conflict on Israel’s arch foe, Iran. He said Israel was defending itself against Tehran on seven fronts.

“There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach. And that’s true of the entire Middle East. Far from being lambs led to the slaughter, Israel soldiers have fought back with incredible courage,” Netanyahu said to applause while some delegates, including the Iranians, walked out.

He again brought visual aids. I actually can’t believe this is real, but he did that.

He knows Americans are totally fat and completely gay and retarded, so they need visual aids or they get confused.

Here’s the full speech. If you want to watch that. It is a piece of history, after all. I didn’t personally watch it, but I probably might. I read the transcript, but I’m not even sure that was accurate, and you probably need to see the visual aids to really take the whole thing in.

It’s totally bold to show up at the UN like this, knowing everyone hates you.

No one is going to be swayed by his lunatic ramblings justifying a massive war against half the countries in the Middle East. Maybe the Americans love it, because Americans really, really love Jews, but he can already speak at the US Congress whenever he wants to.

So, props to him, showing up as a satanic figure and saying his piece.