Watch: Zelensky Accuses Sexually Active Korea of Sending Soldiers to Fight Against the Ukraine

Thankfully, I am not Vladimir Zelensky. However, if I was that greasy little rat, I would keep it quiet that North Koreans are killing my goyim. You see, people think North Korea is very hip and sexy. Meanwhile, the Ukraine is a neo-Nazi tranny state.

At the very least, he should have released it as a racist Jewish rap:

Uncle Sam, my nigga, I’ve got the world on my shoulders
And damn these slants, they’re wasting my trans soldiers
My best goyim blasted by communist gooks
Joe Biden, bastard, still won’t send me the nukes
You gave Israel everything, then act like I ain’t Jewish
Swarmed by dinks, my gay army looks noobish
I did everything right, I invaded the Russians
But what’s a nigga to do, when the zipperheads rushin’?
I’m on coke, going for broke, making the East woke
But folks, these slopes make me look like a joke

Come to think of it, Zelensky never raps. In fact, he never does anything funny at all.

I thought this kike was a comedian?

Al Jazeera:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused North Korea of sending not only weapons but also soldiers to help Russia in its war against Ukraine.

We see an increasing alliance between Russia and regimes like North Korea,” Zelenskyy said in his video address on Sunday night. “This is no longer just about transferring weapons. It is actually about transferring people from North Korea to the occupying military forces.”

He said Ukraine and its allies needed to evolve their response in light of Russia’s deepening alliances and reiterated his call for increased military support to prevent a bigger war.

“The front line needs more support,” he said. “When we talk about giving Ukraine greater long-range capabilities and more decisive supplies for our forces, it’s not just a list of military equipment. It’s about increasing the pressure on the aggressor – pressure that will be stronger than what Russia can handle. And it’s about preventing an even larger war.

When he talks about a “list,” he’s responding to the fact that the Wall Street Journal and others have reported that his (still secret) “victory plan” is not a plan but a “wish list.”

“We need to expand the war to prevent it from getting larger” is a bold and confounding statement. Remember that this war that the Ukraine launched against Russia was about ethnically cleansing two provinces in the east of the Ukraine of Russian-speaking people. They refused to honor the Minsk Accords, continuing to slaughter people in the Donbass, and then finally Putin did a counteroffensive in 2022.

Obviously, the war was never about the Donbass, and was instead about attempting to do regime change in Russia, to split the country up and turn it into yet another homosexualized vassal region for the Americans. But that is not happening. No one other than the most delusional shills are still claiming that Russia is eventually going to run out of equipment (or whatever the argument is now).

They Should Have Just Blamed Russia for 9/11

People all over the world think this war is stupid and gay. It is unsellable.

They should have just claimed they had new information that Russia did 9/11, instead of going all-in with “this is about forcing gay sex on Russians.”

This is the Ukraine:

This is North Korea:

It’s bad marketing.