Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 1, 2016
Above is a great overview of the porno crisis our society is dealing with.
The only thing I seriously disagree with is the idea that it shouldn’t be banned. Black Pigeon is a libertarian, and these people believe that every individual is a special snowflake and basically deny the existence of societies and sociology. As long as you have pornography in your society, people are going to watch it.
However, you, dear reader, are an individual and you can choose to free yourself from the clutches of pron.
Quite simply, you cannot maintain a masculine identity at the same time as a porn addiction. This activity of porn consumption changes the wiring of your brain, turning you into a weak coward.
I fully understand that people get horny – this is a base need, right along there with sleeping and eating – and a lot of men these days have a hard time getting laid. I am going to make a point to talk more about male issues over the next couple months. It is much needed. But a good start for any of that is to stop watching porn.
It is much better to visit a hooker a couple times a month than to masturbate to pornography. It is also better, if you need to masturbate, to do it in the shower while thinking thoughts instead of while watching one of these Jew videos.
However, much better than hookers or any sort of masturbation is having a normal girlfriend or wife, obviously. That is the order of nature, and that is what all men should be working toward.
I will soon release my Nazi dating guide.