Watching Porn May Turn You Bisexual, According to xHamster Report

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2019

I’m sure the Jewish porn producers were not aware of this totally unexpected side-effect of regularly watching naked men performing sexual acts.


According to an xHamster survey of 11,000 website visitors in the United States, most bisexual respondents, 27.46 percent, claimed to watch porn several times a day.

23.01 percent claimed to watch once a day, 19.73 percent claimed to watch a few times a week, and 13.09 percent claimed to watch once a week.

Straight respondents, however, were most likely to watch just once a week.

Whoa there let’s not jump to conclusions yet. Maybe bisexuals just have a really high sex drive because they’re possessed by demons they just enjoy sex more, you know?

Let’s take a look at the actual report.

From xHamster’s blog post:

Does watching too much porn make you gay? No, but it might make you bi.

Now, while we like to think of ourselves as enlightened bunch, we’re not a particularly bi site, let alone a gay one. We’re just your (above) average tube site with primarily heterosexual content.

So we wondered, is there something about watching porn that opens up users to the idea of a more fluid sexuality. The answer is … it may.

We compared responses from users who watch porn once a week, with users who report watching it several times a day. Porn fans who watched multiple times a day were more than twice as likely to identify as bisexual as porn fans who watched only once a week (27% vs 13%).

As you can see, there’s a direct correlation between the amount of time a person spends watching porn, and whether or not they identified as bisexual. (It doesn’t seem to have an affect on gay identity — that stays in a pretty narrow range.)

We also wondered if there was some way that women porn fans — 38% of whom in our study identified as bisexual — might be somehow skewing the data. So we repeated the calculations with just men. The results were even more dramatic.

Just 10.8% of men who watched porn once a week identified as bisexual, but 27.2% of men who watch porn multiple times a day identify as bisexual. (After all, if you’re looking at naked men all day — even if there’s a woman in the picture — maybe it opens you up to a broader ideas about human sexuality.)

Now, we should stress that correlation is not causation. Bisexual and gay people both report greater frequency of viewing of porn, and a lower stigma associated with watching it. (Both groups are also less likely to be married, and thus might have greater freedom to watch. But again — we didn’t see any significant correlation between frequency of viewing, and gay identification.)

Is xHamster part of a plot to neuter red-blooded American men? Nah. But do we welcome our bisexual overlords? Yes! They’re more progressive, more tolerant, and have a more positive outlook on sexuality. Plus they love EVERYTHING WE DO.

I’m not convinced you’re not part of the plot, porn merchant with rat-like physiognomy.

There are lots of known problems associated with watching porn. From erectile dysfunction, lethargy, anti-social behaviors, to lack of self-control and overall passivity.

Is it too far-fetched to believe that regularly watching buff men ramming their veiny penises inside the holes of women you’d like to be having sex with may turn you a bit gay? Because watching men’s penises doesn’t sound like a very manly activity to do. If you add to that the fact that people watching porn also watch those buff men ejaculating and hear them groaning and talking dirty…

I mean…

That’s just gay, man.

Watching porn is cucking yourself.

Men watching porn are watching the women they’d like to be having sex with having sex with other men, and they often sit there in silence playing with their dicks while they watch.

If that’s not cucking… you tell me what is.

Think about it.

If you search for “cuck porn” you’ll find videos of a guy masturbating in silence while he watches his “girlfriend” have sex with another man, and you may think “lol what a cuck” – but men watching porn are in the same position that guy is but from behind the computer screen.

Watching porn is humiliating.

Learn to use that sexual energy for good. Learn to channel it. Use it for creation. Don’t give that up to pixel whores.