October 25, 2014

Smashing watermelons is now officially a “racist” act, and anyone caught smashing a watermelon deserves to be fired from their job. This according to the radical anti-white NAACP.
Academic Magnet High School is 82% white and only 6% black. It is located in North Charleston, which is roughly 45% white and 45% black.
Academic Magnet High School competes against mostly black football teams, with a mostly white team. In 2012 it achieved it’s first ever winning record, and has been winning the majority of it’s games ever since.
It seems the NAACP can’t stand the thought of white football players beating black football players. Radical left-wing district Superintendent Nancy McGinley fired the white coach at the request of the NAACP. CNN gave the NAACP national publicity congratulating McGinley for her swift action against this evil white “racist.”

Then, when public outrage mounted, McGinley had each member of the team question, behind closed doors, for 10-20 minutes each. A massive effort was launched to manufacture evidence that the coach was “a racist.”
The only evidence that McGinley could come up with was a stick figure drawing that she claimed was “a racial character.” The internet exploded with support for the coach. McGinley and the NAACP are now being held up to widespread public scorn and McGinley scrabbled to re-instate the coach immediately.
However, the coach did make one serious mistake. He agreed to “sensitivity training” when he agreed to go back to work. He is the victim, not anyone else. He should have held out until public pressure force McGinley to grovel to him.
From ABC 4 Charleston:
Bud Walpole may be back on the sidelines at Academic Magnet in time for the Battery Creek game on Friday — but he has to accept the district’s offer first.
Superintendent Nancy McGinley said in a release she asked Walpole to return to work on Thursday.
She met with Walpole at 2 p.m. and asked him for a statement of commitment which he proveded nearly three hours later.
“I feel good about our meeting, and I am confident that in his position as teacher, mentor and coach he will use the experience to deliver on his commitments,” McGinley said in the letter.
Part of Walpole’s commitment, if he accepts the district’s offer, will be to “. I feel good about our meeting, and I am confident that in his position as teacher, mentor and coach he will use the experience to deliver on his commitments;” to attend in sensitivity training provided by the district, and “counsel my students before games to be extra vigilant in their actions when dealing with others of different racial or ethnic backgrounds.”
McGinley said this ordeal was not about winning or losing, but bout ensuring that everyone gets respect and dignity in the community.
While Walpole and McGinley were meeting at district headquarters, attorneys Andy Savage and Larry Kobrovsky were preparing to meet with parents at Academic Magnet.
The shift in Wolpole’s employment came after Charleston NAACP officials likened the post-game watermelon ritual that led to the firing of the coach to a black football team urinating on the Confederate flag after games.
Chapter president Dot Scott compared the ritual by Academic Magnet’s football team to a predominantly black football team urinating on a Confederate Flag as a “victory ritual” when they beat a predominantly white team. The Academic Magnet watermelon celebration being defined as “fun” was also compared to the “fun” whites used to have lynching blacks.
She said Wednesday the NAACP would not comment on that statement, however.