We All Know Exactly Where This Story Ends

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2018

I have continually presented the Jewish people with an opportunity for dialogue.

I have reported on what they have done and what they are doing, and I have attempted to open up a conversation with them. I have done so in earnest. It is in my nature to believe that things should be discussed, frankly, and that people should reach conclusions based on the open exchange of information.

This is the nature of the human animal. It is why we developed speech in the first place. In order that we may share information in order to alter the behavior of those around us.

The Jews have refused my attempts to communicate. Instead, they have responded by attempting to silence my ability to speak.

Jews in America have dozens of organizations dealing with their interactions with the goyim. None of these organizations are based around the idea of fostering an open dialogue, so as we may air our grievances with them. Instead, all of their organizations are based on the premise that they are right and we are wrong in every situation, and if there is ever an instance where we differ in opinion from them, the only potential explanation for this disagreement is that we are evil and driven by an irrational hatred for them.

This hatred that they project on us is never explained. They do not attempt to address it in any context other than that there is something wrong with us, that we would ever question them.

They insist on dictating to us the way that every aspect of our society is to function, and any questions that we have are dismissed with this ubiquitous claim of irrational hatred.

This relationship cannot continue indefinitely on these terms. It simply is not viable.

Every day, the Jews demonstrate, aggressively, that they are unwilling to engage in any type of discussion with us. They double and triple and quadruple down on the claim that any issue we take with the way they are managing our society is a defect in us.

I have tried to talk.

But we are rapidly approaching a point at which the people will no longer be interested in talking.

The Jewish policy of using violence, intimidation and threats of financial ruin to silence criticism of them has created a very unique situation, where it is impossible for them to know how many people are opposed to them, due to the consequences of making public any opposition to them. What we do know is that the overwhelming majority of the people oppose their policies, and if they were to understand that the Jews are behind these policies, they would oppose the Jews.

And it simply is not controversial that America is run by Jews to the detrainment of the overwhelming majority of the American people. It is a fact. And that fact cannot be buried indefinitely.

Every time you see Jews freak out and try to make an example of someone who speaks out against them, as they have done recently with Congressional candidate Paul Nehlen and university student Dan Kleve, you are witnessing them put a cork in a hole of a dam that is about to break.

When the dam finally does break, the level of rage is going to be like nothing that has ever been seen before.

I just want to say this, now, to the Jews: I tried to have a conversation.

It was your choice to refuse that offer.

And the consequences of that choice are on you.

I wash my hands of what is coming.

And we all know exactly where this story ends.