We are Not Safe in Our Own Countries

November 9, 2013

This past Monday, 19 year-old Norwegian Margaret Molland Sanden was stabbed to death on a bus, along with a couple in their fifties (probably White, too) by an illegal alien Sudanese. All because he was getting his dirty, stinking black ass deported the next day. Now he gets to stay in Norway — living a mostly comfortable life in a Western prison. Just what the hell is going on?
This past Monday, 19 year-old Norwegian Margaret Molland Sanden was stabbed to death on a bus, along with a couple in their fifties (probably White, too) by an illegal alien Sudanese. All because he was getting his dirty, stinking black ass deported the next day. Now he gets to stay in Norway — living a mostly comfortable life in a Western prison. Just what the hell is going on?

When a frequent commentator from Scandinavia named “Hoff” came here and reported on the above crime, I really wasn’t paying too much attention. I’ve been fairly busy with “real world” stuff and all the other BS the lousy, stinking Nation Wreckers are now doing to America.

Hoff left a link to some article about two liberal creeps in Norway, who said Whites there deserved being victimized (right). The words in the caption for the photo (translated by Bing): NO SYMPATHY with RANS WAVE VICTIMS: NRK-celebrity Elin Gjuvsland and Arild Ruhlin Opheim have written a feature article in Dagbladet where they believe that the rans victims in recent months deserve to be beaten and robbed because Norway leads a ‘inhumane refugee policy.’

Just look at these two idiot punk-ass libtards!
Just look at these two idiot punk-ass libtards!

Now look at the girl above again. Did this beautiful young White girl deserve to get gutted out like a fish by some stinking, proto-humanoid Sudanese just because he was angry about having to leave? Does Norway need to look like violent GD Africa? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THESE PEOPLE’S BRAINS?

And what country can White people feel safe and call their own? Iceland? I understand even that country has been targeted by the Globalist Jew banksters for financial rape and immigration of non-Whites. A few black-as-coal Africans have been let in already.

Here’s muslim “people of color” attacking White people in Sweden and videotaping it for laughs.

GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED? Beautiful Danish girl beaten and blinded by muslims. Do us White people need this total BS crap in OUR OWN LANDS?
GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED? Beautiful Danish girl beaten and blinded by muslims. Do us White people need this total BS crap in OUR OWN LANDS?

I was watching something on TV the other day – I believe it was that crypto-Jew-creep Bill Maher (his mother is Jewish, making him technically a full Jew).

The skinny little bastard and his roundtable of “witty and urbane” fellow media Jews (with one token White “conservative” to mix things up) were cracking jokes about Sweden being full of blond, blue-eyed Swedish babes — because everyone pictures Sweden that way. Not a word was breathed by any of them about all the dark, violent Muslims filling up the place and wanting everything on a silver platter or else they’ll burn everything down (which they do on occasion).

It’s like street reality just doesn’t exist whenever these precious multicult liberals “hold forth” among us.

You see, this is the way Jew media and idiot multicult Whites act. They completely, totally, ignore any reality that conflicts with their wish to turn White lands into “multicult heavens” — what they foolishly envision and have the GD gall to force on the rest of us.

You could try to tell a liberal a little something about crimes against White people, but he or she will just blankly look at you, stupidly blinking lizard-like – sometimes even with this strange, self-satisfied smirk on their faces, as if they are pleased to hear it.

On the first of November, this Bakersfield, California woman was beat up on the street at random by a bunch Mestizo women yelling “White bitch.” If Whites had done something of the sort, the multicults would be screaming bloody GD murder all over the place.
On the first of November, this Bakersfield, California woman was beat up on the street at random by a bunch Mestizo women yelling “White bitch.” If Whites had done something of the sort, the multicults would be screaming bloody GD murder all over the place.

Yet it’s not like he’s happy over what you’re telling him (because they are not really listening to you in the first place), but are thinking to themselves right at that moment how you’re nothing but an “ignorant redneck hater” and they are so smart and hip about worldly matters. In reality, they are total dumbasses, not seeing the brainwashing going on right in front of their blubbering faces.

These fools actually think they are fighting against “the man!” Un-friggin-GD-believable.

You see, the brainwashing media Jews have made it out that all of us Whites are bad and evil through-out history and to this day (we can never, ever do enough). The Khazar Jews have long planned to turn the West into a commie New World Order empire, and turn us White Gentiles into a spat-upon minority. They just have to do it gradually enough so us Whites don’t get it “en mass” and rise up and stick it to them again.

Right now we’re coming to the end of the “gradual phase.” Whites everywhere are reaching the well-justified conclusion that we’re being effed over big time and getting downright pissed. The Internet is speeding up the awakening. The stinking Jews must find a way to silence the Internet, without being too obvious and awakening too many Whites to their long-running gambits and efforts to cloak themselves.

I once came up with something I termed “point zero.” This is what I call the huge paradigm shift on the near horizon – where the regular, everyday White person finally, finally awakes to the Jew, and it spreads like wildfire across the land, seemingly overnight.

I believe we’re right on the verge to all of this. Once the semi-hidden Jewish financial oligarchy understands things are fast spreading among the White “proletariat,” they’ll bring down whatever devious acts they can. Most certainly false flags, assassinations and Manchurian candidate killings (this might even be happening right the hell now).

The media will go into overdrive about “racists online” and censor any site catering specifically to alerting fellow White people. My site here will be brought down immediately. Hell, they’ll probably try to throw my pimply white ass into a FEMA Gulag.

White people in South Africa are viciously murdered all the time and the media in the West stays silent – like it doesn’t even happen (even FOX says nothing). Does that mean anything at all to you sheeple about the real deal going on? Anything?
White people in South Africa are viciously murdered all the time and the media in the West stays silent – like it doesn’t even happen (even FOX says nothing). Does that mean anything at all to you sheeple about the real deal going on? Anything?
America is actually allowing the worthless and criminal Somalis to immigrate to places like Minnesota and Wisconsin.
America is actually allowing the worthless and criminal Somalis to immigrate to places like Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Getting back to the subject at hand, what countries can White people call their own? Few, if any, are not being undermined with Jewish PC brainwashing and immigration.

You see, the Jew has to do this to White people in as many places as possible (suppressing from public knowledge the totality of what they are doing). They can’t stop the plans, or else.

When Germany went Nazi and was raising itself out of the Great Depression by controlling their own money, that represented a major threat to the “agenda” and had to be laid low. They couldn’t allow a racially White country to be free of Jewish meddling — financial or otherwise. Especially in our mass media modern age where other nations might start noticing their success and seek to emulate – unraveling the “agenda” before fruition.

All this stuff is not some kind of bizarre “conspiracy theory” as they would hope you believe. Common sense, “connecting the dots” about current events and history, or just watching TV readily exposes what is truly being done to the White race.

For all this is not just going on in Norway and the US, mind you, but Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, France, Greece, Italy, Spain and even Germany. Basically, most of the Western world. These stinking lousy Jews used our countries up the ying-yang to create and protect “sacred” Israel and yet feel free as a bird destroying our race, our countries, our jobs, our morals, our religion, our culture and even our sanity itself. No doubt whatsoever.

My definition of “Nation Wreckers.”