We Manufacturers Now, We Manufacturing All These Bitches Out Here

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2019

As Tucker Carlson demonstrated last night, the Democrats are obsessed with accusing the President of “manufacturing crises.”

This is a key talking point, and a buzzword that they’re using advertising-style marketing methods to force into the public discussion.

This is funny, because it’s exactly what a lot of people would accuse them of doing as their primary strategy.

In fact, one might argue that Trump’s entire presidency is a “manufactured crisis.”

Because there are no actual crises. Everything is functioning normally. And yet we are constantly being told by the media that Donald Trump is on the verge of causing the sky to collapse on everyone’s head.

From meeting with Putin, to firing some guy, to ending the war in Syria, to shutting down a national park, we are told that the world is going to end because of Donald Trump.

If the government shut down is a crisis, then it would be just as easy to accuse the Democrats of manufacturing that. They all supported a physical barrier on the border just a few years ago, they’re the ones with a changed position on that particular issue.

But in actual reality, the government shut down isn’t a crisis, so the only way they are manufacturing it is by claiming that it is and getting people to believe that it is. Nothing is happening in reality. Some feds are having to wait for a paycheck and some national parks are closing. That is not a crisis by any normal definition generally used to refer to national crises (911 crisis, 2008 financial crisis, Cuban missile crisis, etc.).

Immigration actually is a crisis, drug use actually is a crisis, the escalation of tension with Russia actually is a crisis – all of these however are not being acknowledged as crises by the Democrats, while President Trump is attempting to solve them.