We Need to Arm the Teachers, We Need to Arm the Students

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2018

In response to a team of crisis actors, Trump and the NRA are both pushing a plan to arm teachers in the wake of the Jew massacre in Florida.


The head of the NRA has voiced his support for President Donald Trump’s call to arm teachers trained to carry concealed guns.

Wayne LaPierre made the remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) following a school shooting that left 17 people dead.

“We must immediately harden our schools,” he said.

Mr Trump had suggested arming teachers during a listening session on Wednesday and tweeted about it before the speech.

The Daily Stormer is endorsing a plan to take it a step further, and arm the students as well.

Say you’re in class, the teacher is writing something on the board, and a Jew pulls out a gun. The teacher has his back to the class and doesn’t see the Jew make his move – but you’re sitting behind him, and you’ve got a clean shot – why shouldn’t you be allowed to take it?

We need to arm everyone in the school. Absolutely everyone.

The janitor, the lunch lady, the bus driver – everyone needs to be strapped.

First day of school, you go to home room and the teacher passes out 9mms and M-16s.

“First day of school… everybody line-up and get strapped and get ready to blast any kike who draws on you.”

That isn’t only the obvious solution – it is the only solution.

This means that the worst case scenario is that everyone at least has a fighting chance.