Week 23: The Burning of Notre Dame is a Rallying Point for the Yellow Vests

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 21, 2019

Apparently, Macron thought he could use the burned Notre Dame to “unify” the country behind himself.

But that didn’t work out.


Yellow Vests protests brought clashes and tear gas back to the streets of Paris, despite politicians’ calls for “unity” in the wake of the Notre Dame fire. For protesters, the response to the fire only showed more inequality.

Saturday’s protests mark the 23rd straight weekend of anti-government demonstrations, but the first since Notre Dame de Paris went up in flames on Monday. Officials were quick to criticize the protesters for returning to the streets so soon after the disaster.

“The rioters will be back tomorrow,” Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told reporters on Friday. “The rioters have visibly not been moved by what happened at Notre-Dame.”

For many of the protesters, grief over the destruction of the 800-year-old landmark has made way for anger. With smoke still rising from Notre Dame, a group of French tycoons and businessmen pledged €1 billion to the cathedral’s reconstruction, money that the Yellow Vests say could be better spent elsewhere.

“If they can give dozens of millions to rebuild Notre Dame, they should stop telling us there is no money to respond to the social emergency,” trade union leader Philippe Martinez told France 24.

That is a very good point.

Especially given that they aren’t even going to rebuild Notre Dame as it was, but turn it into some kind of post-modern monstrosity, which is yet another insult to the French people and their history.

I don’t think that they should rebuild Notre Dame until there is a real government of the people in control of France.

If the internationalist elite control the country, and control the rebuilding of the structure, they are going to deface it in a way that is simply blasphemous.

Everyone knows this.

They will do it like they did the Louvre, which they vandalized with a disgusting steel pyramid thing.

The kikes have been out in force since the fire started saying that Notre Dame represented evil, old, Anti-Semitic France, and that the burning presents them with an opportunity to transform the 800 year old structure into a symbol of modern godless, multicultural, Islamic France.

They’re talking about this:

The Yellow Vests are smart to say that the structure should not be repaired, but they should be pointing out the reason that it shouldn’t be repaired goes beyond money.