Week 24: Yellow Vests March on the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Get Gassed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 28, 2019

Not even Hitler used gas.

I guess Emmanuel Macron’s BASED speech about closing the borders and violently purging Moslems from France didn’t have much impact on the people.

France’s Yellow Vests marched on the European Parliament building in Strasbourg on Saturday. Macron again resorted to gassing his own people, like Assad never actually even did.

The revolutionaries also surrounded TV station headquarters and demanded that they stop lying about the movement.

We’re 24 weeks in, and they have as much energy as ever.

People have pointed out that these are not all right-wingers, and that there are even antifa involved.

It doesn’t really matter.

They are all against the status quo, they are all against the EU, they are all against the robbery of their country by an international cartel, and that is the important thing right now. The details can be figured out later.