Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2014

A weird Jew from Columbus, Ohio, Ari Levy, who moved to his promised lands after he divorced his wife (it isn’t clear if he was originally from Israel, but his face looks like that), recently invited his two children, Sara and Yishai Levy, 10 and 11, to spend summer vacation with him in Israel.
Upon their arrival, he did the weirdest thing his Jew brain could cook up, and murdered them both.
The very same day that they arrived, he walked into the police station and confessed to the killings.
He said he did it because he was mad at his wife for divorcing him.
Now, surely, this is a strange act by an individual weird Jew, but I do believe that it speaks to the larger collapse of the Jew community. They have sold us the poison of liberalism as a means of social collapse, but their own people have adopted it. They used to have a rather – hear me out now – respectable patriarchal society, wherein divorce was not an issue (though they were/are way too abusive to their women, like Muslims).
Now, they have gotten high on their own supply, adopted the values they intended to use to destroy us, and their own system is collapsing.
They are race-mixing, doing drugs, refusing to have children, having abortions, going gay and so on. They are taking us down, but they are taking themselves down with us.
Do we remember the frog and the scorpion?