Weirdly, Kamala Harris Jokes About Killing Trump on Ellen Show

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2018

So, that’s a weird thing to say, Kamala.

Fox News:

Sen. Kamala Harris, D- Calif., a rising Democratic star and potential 2020 presidential candidate, raised eyebrows during an appearance on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” Thursday for one of her answers to a hypothetical question.

Ellen Degeneres, the host, asked Harris a series of light-hearted questions, ranging from whether she has any tattoos (no) to her celebrity crush (Tito Jackson).

She was then asked, “If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, (Vice President) Mike Pence or (Attorney General) Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”

“Does one of us have to come out alive?” Harris asked, prompting cheers from the audience. Harris laughed hysterically at the joke and took a second to compose herself.

The San Francisco Chronicle’s report pointed out that “Even Degeneres applauded the senator’s wit.”

Conservatives responded to the remark on social media. Fox News’ Sean Hannity called the comment a “shocking new low.”

Harris, we deeply hope, is going to run in 2020.

And she will probably get the nomination if she does.

The Democrats have literally no one.

And another negroid as a Democrat candidate – especially one as irate and hateful as Harris – will drive whatever whites remain in the Democrat party out of it. Even the feminists and homos, which are also no in the target zone of the Democrat machine, will be jumping ship to the Trump train.

But look: Elizabeth Warren has refused to take the DNA test to back up her claims that she’s a “Native American,” meaning that was just a hoax. And that will sink her early on if she tries to run.

And who else is there?

Bernie I guess can try again. Or maybe his son. But I don’t think there is any way in hell they’ll put Hillary out there again. I guess they could try Michelle Obama…?

Honestly, Kamala is at the front of the line.