Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2015

Earlier this week, Roosh V, publisher of Return of Kings, posted a Tweet about being warned against not further agitating the Jew parasite.
Since reviewing Culture of Critique, I've received many friendly warnings in private to not provoke the Jewish lobby further.
— Roosh (@rooshv) August 31, 2015
Clearly, he has chosen to go ahead and keep on agitating.
And he is of course paying the cost.
Currently, he is being seriously ddosed.
Starting on Wednesday, two servers that host many of my web sites have been subject to heavy DDOS attacks, peaking at one time to 56 Gbps but usually averaging between 2-3 Gbps. Since this attack began, ROK has been offline for 22 hours and both RVF and have been offline for over 12 hours. Countermeasures have been deployed as the engineers at my web host learn how the attack is proceeding, but I expect more downtime to occur in the next few days.
I don’t currently have specific information on where this attack is coming from. I have so many enemies that it could have been organized by Canadian SJW’s, the American homosexual lobby, the Israeli Defense Force, or the nation of Denmark.
Three of those things are much, much less likely than one of those things.
Just to put it in context here, it was not Canadian SJWs, the homosexual lobby or Denmark that did this:
Or this:
Nor do I believe it is Canuks, faggots or Danes who have been launching ddos attacking on the Daily Stormer for two years and recently succeeded in blocking my upstream service.
More than likely, we are all dealing with a very specific entity here.
So, welcome to the club.
The greatest club ever.
Regrettably, this is going to get a lot more difficult, before it gets easier. And in actual point of fact, it won’t ever get easier.
But you will learn to defend yourself. It is not impossible. It is just a virtually incomprehensible hassle which doesn’t actually ever end.
Well, eventually it will end.
It’s just a while off.
So, no one will blame you if you decide to back down, and stop talking about the Jews, in order to save yourself the trouble.
In actual fact, I will blame you, as will basically everyone else who cares about anything beyond tricks on how to trick a girl into giving you a blowjob. Which – thank God – is the majority of young intelligent men these days.
Roosh V: Jew-Fighter or Marketer?
We recently discovered that Gavin McInnes doesn’t actually care about any of our issues, and is instead simply trying to exploit a marketing opportunity by appealing to disenfranchised Whites.
Is Roosh doing the same thing by attacking Jew power?
I have no idea, nor do I really care.
What I care about is that he is using his massive media clout to blame the Jews.
His motivations for doing so are his own private business.