Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 15, 2015

In the bombastic, absolutist fashion typical of modern liberal propaganda, the National Geographic back in 2013 declared that in a short time the entirety of America will be mixed-race.
They first declared that this will be great, because of a reduction of genetic diseases and blah blah blah. They should have stopped there, but they didn’t. Instead they decided to show photographs of real mixed-race people to let us know what this will look like.
What we see is a bunch of monstrous creatures, like something out of a the Hellraiser films.
Like all living things, all races evolved naturally, to exist as natural beings in their own environment. They all have an equilibrium of genes which arranged themselves – or were arranged by God, if you prefer – to be an ideal thing.
For me personally, there is little offensive about the appearance of any pure race. Even African Negroes just look like a type of upright monkey. I do not feel disgusted when I see photographs of them, necessarily. However, both Jews and Arabs, being entire ethnicities of mixed-race people, have a disgusting and vulgar look to them, an offensive and unnatural misshapenness.
And that feeling of disgust, which I very much associate with the feeling I would get when seeing the Cenobites as a young boy, is what I get when I look at this series of photographs of mixed-race monstrosities.

If this is the future that awaits us, I would rather take my chances with Lemarchand’s box.