Well, Iran Definitely Hit Israel. So What Now?

You’re the man now, dog.

Mere hours after I posted a long piece pontificating about the situation in the Middle East, which included a segment bullying the Iranians over their reluctance to act against Israel, word came down that the Iranians were preparing a large strike on The Satan. The attack came shortly after the announcement.

I’m told that the Ayatollah made the decision after reading my piece, telling a government meeting, “Anglin is right, you guys are acting like fags – launch the missiles. Allah wills it.”

The show did not disappoint. In fact, it is the best thing that has ever happened, at least since the Holocaust.

Watching the Jews screaming as missiles lit up the skies over Tel Aviv and rained down on Jew locations, I could not remember feeling this level of childlike glee since… well, since I was a child.

I made a playlist and just kept watching the bombing supercut over and over, while calling in a champagne drop, Helldivers style.

I invited out the neighbors to drink and dance. The corks were popping across the room, mimicking the bombs over Jewland, with the playlist including ABBA, Starship, and Belinda Carlisle.

It was like the third act peak scene in a John Hughes movie.

I was as happy as these guys:

Regardless of what happens after this, the joy that I felt watching those bombs rain down will last forever. It is a moment of triumph seared into the fabric of eternity. No one can ever take that away from us.

Of course, what I would like to see is a lot more of what we all saw last night. I don’t want the party to ever end.

What Happened?

Bringing a printed copy of my article to the president and other government officials, the Ayatollah personally ordered the strikes with the government stating that the attack was in response to the murder of Nasrallah, Haneyah, and others. Clearly, dedicating the strikes to fallen heroes was symbolic, and the reality is that Iran was finally following through on the promise they made to defend Lebanon.

Though I’m joking about my bullying article being the impetus for the attack (although no one can prove that isn’t true), it is true that Ayatollah Khamenei himself, who is 85 years old, had to go in and order the strike personally because the political government of Iran is filled with fags and Mossad spies.

Titled “Operation True Promise 2,” which I’m sure sounds cooler in Persian, Iran used hundreds of ballistic missiles, including hypersonic Fattah missiles. Iran announced that this was merely the “first wave,” and did not elaborate. Let’s hope that’s true. I could watch videos of missiles raining down on Israel for the next 40 years and die a happy man.

Perhaps suspiciously, the Israeli defense systems did not appear to do very much. You have maximalist claims from both sides, so it’s difficult to determine the truth, but Iran claims that at least 80% of the missiles were not intercepted. Part of this might be the inability of Israel’s defense systems to stop ballistic missiles. The much-touted “Iron Dome” is actually only to protect from short and medium range missiles launched from Palestine and Lebanon (which it doesn’t do very well), with the US-made “David’s Sling” and Archer systems designed to stop much faster, long-range missiles. Those systems have not been tested, other than partially (but not really) during the April strike by Iran, which used much slower-moving missiles and drones and was telegraphed early and many of the missiles were shot down by US air forces.

This attack was not announced in advance, and Western state media announced it only hours before, presumably based on satellite indicators. It’s also been suggested that Iran may have called Russia to tell them of the coming strike, and that this call was perhaps intercepted. Regardless, the United States and Israel must have been aware that there was a significant chance of an Iranian strike, and you’d think they’d have been prepared for it.

Though I have little idea about the technology at play, it seems likely that the Jews allowed more missiles through than would have otherwise gotten through, as Israel’s entire PR strategy is whining about what victims they are, and the scenes of missiles raining down on them help with that narrative, especially for Fatmerican boomers who are seemingly unaware of the scale of the slaughter Jews have perpetrated in Palestine and Lebanon.

Furthermore, Bibi is using the classic strategy of “bad people are trying to kill you” as his primary mode of governance, domestically. It’s logical that the Israeli government would want as many missiles to hit as possible. It doesn’t actually matter what is destroyed, given that the American taxpayer is footing the bill regardless.

There are wide-ranging claims about what the missile strikes did or did not do. Some Middle Eastern sources are claiming missiles hit – or even destroyed – a Mossad base, destroyed oil fields, destroyed airfields, destroyed billions of dollars worth of American fighter jets, and so on. The Jews are of course minimizing the damage. There’s no way to know. Based on the videos we all watched of missiles raining down – not being shot out of the air, but hitting inside of Jewish cities – something was surely destroyed.

The official story right now is that only one person died, a Palestinian. This seems unlikely. The Jews do have extensive bunkers that the Americans paid for throughout Tel Aviv and other cities, but in the videos, you can see people on the streets and cars driving around, so not everyone was in the bunkers.

American Reaction

I made the executive decision as the attacks were happening last night to not write any kind of serious commentary on it, given that I have a right to celebrate on such an evening, instead posting a couple of pornographic throwaway joke articles that included videos of the strikes and mocked American Republicans screaming about the innocence of the Jews.

Frankly, it is actual insanity to have sat and watched these Jews slaughter innocent people for an entire year and then start screaming about the victimization of the innocent chosenites as soon as they get a single drop of their own medicine. But this is indeed what every American politician is doing, with the Republicans of course being more bellicose in their rhetoric.

All of these people should be in prison forever. It is simply beyond the pale that a foreign country has this kind of stranglehold on our government. There is no other situation ever in history where a more powerful country was dominated by a lesser country. There is no reason for it, other than blackmail, bribery, personal threats, and other fundamentally Jewish methods of influence.

The replies to all of these tweets by government officials were encouraging, however.

The American people, at least younger people, are not buying what these government people are selling. That doesn’t actually mean anything, because America is a democracy, meaning the masses of people have no ability to influence the behavior of the government. However, the illusion falling, and the people seeing that America doesn’t even have a “government” in the traditional sense, but is instead a nation under a Jewish military occupation, with the cops as a standing army serving a foreign power, ready to cage or kill anyone who stands up against the Jews.

Lindsey Graham, a chief Trump surrogate, is of course calling for America to declare war on Iran and start a massive bombing campaign. That probably will not happen this afternoon (although it could), but it will eventually.

Trump himself, covered in Jewish semen, issued a statement calling for more Jews to ejaculate on his face (I’m sorry/not really that bukkake metaphors are the only thing I can come up with when addressing these kinds of statements).

Although no one actually understands the American electoral system, which is a black box, it now seems overwhelmingly likely that the Mossad will rig the election for Trump and Americans will head back into the Middle East with even greater fervor than they did after 9/11. Israel wants more than bombings, which wouldn’t actually end the threat any more than the bombing of Gaza stopped Hamas rockets. Jews want some kind of actual physical invasion of Iran, and you need healthy young white men to do something like that. Trump is going to be a whole lot better at marshaling these men than that Indian whore what’s her name.

In the shorter term, Israel will no doubt continue the bombing campaigns across the Middle East, and they may do their own significant bombing of Iran. Though the attacks last night were glorious, they mean little in the greater scheme of things. Iran has a limited number of ballistic missiles, whereas Israel has infinite resources, paid for by fat, gay American retards.

Iran’s only real chance at victory is in being able to sustain a US bombing campaign and physical invasion of their country in the long term, in the way the Taliban did, and drain the empire of its resources and morale while Russia and China act in their own spheres.

This is winner takes all. The US/Jews win or Russia, China, and Iran win. There is also a situation where both lose, maybe, but if the US empire falls, we’d have to call that a win for the other side, regardless of how they come out on the other side.

Both Russia and China should be on the phone with the Ayatollah right now asking him what he needs, because the focal point of this global war by the Jews has been decided. Iran is the first major front, following the proxy war in the Ukraine, in this bid for total global domination by the Jews and their American fuck-hogs. The more bogged down the US is in the Middle East, the more room Russia and China have to act, the fewer resources the US has, the quicker this satanic beast is drained and left a rotting husk on the graveyard of history.

Iran Should Bomb India as Well, Perhaps Even Make It the Focal Point

Reading Twitter last night during the attacks, the overwhelming majority of the tweets were from Indians, who are completely obsessed with the Jews. I don’t know why Indians are obsessed with the Jews, beyond the obvious (they also view themselves as at war with Islam), and I do not care to understand it. It means nothing to me what Indians think, and I’m not convinced that “think” is even a word we should associate with this despicable race of mutant fiends.

I suppose no one should be surprised that a race that specializes in scamming the elderly out of their personal savings also idolizes the Jews. The Jews scam the whole world, and the Indians want to learn those skills.

This is a meme that an Indian made and posted without irony last night:

That sums up thousands of tweets I saw.

It is absolutely absurd that one has to wade through an infinite swamp of Indian Jew-sucking while scanning breaking news on Twitter. They get included in the feed because they post in English, but Twitter needs to add an option to simply block all Indian accounts. There is not one single white person who is going to miss anything by not seeing the opinions of Indians. Although these are apparently real accounts, it is effectively spam. I do want to see what Jews are saying, I want to see what Jew-lover American politicians are saying, so I’m in no way against all pro-Jew content being on the feed, but I would say that 98% of pro-Jewish content on Twitter is from India, and it is all benign and repulsive.

India is unlikely to be a threat to the world at large, as they have no skills, abilities, or intelligence, and the Chinese will likely deal with them at some point. Their colonization forces in white countries will be forced to flee as soon as the Jews who imported them are dislodged from power. They’re not going to go to war on the streets. They are, however, a clear threat to the internet, and they’ve basically already ruined it.

If Elon Musk will not act to protect people from these Indian shit-spammer, Iran should consider a mass-bombing campaign against their country.

In this infographic, you can clearly see that Iran has that capacity:

There must be consequences for all those tweets these Indians posted.

Do I View Moslems in the Way Liberals View Ukrainians?

I stand accused of viewing Moslems as fighting a proxy war against the Jews on my own behalf in the same way that Fatmerican tranny scum views the Ukraine as fighting in the interests of gay sex.

Having considered this allegation, I believe it is more or less accurate. The difference is, I am not callously encouraging hundred of thousands of people to die for no benefit of their own in order to hurt my enemies. There has been no explanation as to how this war in the Ukraine benefits Ukrainians. It is simply vaguely asserted that in a general sense, fighting an invasion of your country is naturally a good thing, but no specifics are given. When you consider the fact that the country has been decimated, half the population has fled, and virtually the entirety of the country has been auctioned off to American Jews, it is undeniable that the Ukraine would have been much better off to have avoided this war.

Conversely, the Arab and Moslem population of the Middle East:

  • Could not have avoided this war
  • Can win this war
  • Will benefit immensely from winning this war

So, although the general idea is similar, as I am not principally concerned with what is best for the people of the Middle East, and do primarily support them because they are fighting the Jews, I am not actively, knowingly harming the population of the Middle East, and in fact, the more support they have in their struggle from people in the West, the more advantageous their position.

Get Ready for Whatever Happens Next

There is no reason not to take a victory lap after seeing those missiles fall on Israel. Everyone should feel great about this.

However, I want to stress again that it doesn’t really mean very much in the scheme of things. Sadly, it means much, much less than the Israeli decapitation of the leadership of Hezbollah. I’m certain that the various cartoonish propagandists of multipolarism and whatever other buzzwords they advocate for will be claiming that these attacks mean that Iran could simply destroy Israel whenever they wanted, but that is obviously not true.

Just as the day before the attack by Iran, Israel remains in a very good position, and it’s arguable that their position is actually better now that they can whine about these missiles. Jews are always in top form while crying out in pain as they strike you.

The missiles were sublime. Better than sex or cocaine or enchiladas. But what has changed? Morale and really nothing else. The situation remains the same.

This is going to be a long slog that is going to last years, and it is going to significantly affect your life. The idea of a military draft in the United States seems extreme, but it’s certainly not out of the question.

In the end, we win. God wins.

But in the medium term, keep your expectations realistic, and don’t get too down if the fighters against the Jews suffer more setbacks in the near future.

This party is just getting started.