Welp: Traitor Paul Ryan Won Speakership Nomination

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2016


He’s going to have to resign.

We cannot tolerate this cuck any longer.

Washington Post:

Paul D. Ryan unanimously won the nomination of his House Republican colleagues Tuesday to continue as speaker and serve as the chief legislative partner to President-elect Donald Trump.

“Welcome to the dawn of a new unified Republican government,” he told reporters ahead of Tuesday’s vote.

Ryan must now win a floor vote in January of all 435 House members. If about two dozen Republicans were to withhold their support, his election would be thrown in doubt.

Yes – we still have a chance to bully Congress into voting him out.

Continue to call them.

By January, it will be clear that he is attempting to sabotage America.

But it is already clear now.


Several Republicans made clear this week that although Trump’s victory may have eased the internal party tensions that threatened Ryan’s speakership before the election, it has not eliminated them entirely.

“I haven’t heard from him what he wants to change — what’s going to be different the next two years than the last two years?” said Rep. Raúl R. Labrador (R-Idaho), a co-founder of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus. “So far, I’m not hearing anything about changing the way we do business here in Washington, so I’m not ready to support him yet.”

Labrador is in a clear minority among House Republicans — Ryan (R-Wis.) enjoys broad support among the GOP rank-and-file — but his qualms reflect ongoing discomfort over how Ryan’s brand of Republican politics will meld with Trump’s. He was among a handful of members who said Tuesday they would still consider opposing Ryan then.

That means, barring the surprise entry of another candidate, seven of the top eight House Republican leaders will be white men.

Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah), who will be one of 21 Republican women in the House, said that was reason for concern.

“Just recently we realized, oh my gosh, we didn’t have enough women that were running,” she said. “We have great women as part of this conference. There are amazing women, and we should have more women in leadership.”

Mia, I hate to be the one to break this to you…


…but you have to go back.

The tension is manifest in Trump’s plans for his White House. On Sunday, he chose Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, a longtime Ryan friend and ally from Wisconsin, as his chief of staff while also tapping a campaign official who has sought to undermine Ryan, Stephen K. Bannon, to a coequal position as chief strategist.

On significant matters such as trade policy, immigration reform and entitlement cuts, Ryan and Trump have crossed ways. And Trump’s enthusiastic backers in Congress bristled when Ryan distanced himself from his party’s presidential nominee — withholding his endorsement for several weeks after Trump clinched the nomination, for instance.

For instance.

He also attacked him over Kazir Khan the magic Constitutional Paki terrorist and said he shouldn’t grab pussies.

Literally, every opportunity that has arisen – both before and after Trump secured the nomination – Paul Ryan has attacked him. He was effectively supporting Hillary Clinton in the general election. He attacked Trump approximately every ten days.

Then even after Trump won the Presidency he has attacked him. He came out and told the kike Jake Tapper that no one was getting deported.

He has to go. Has to. This is non-negotiable.

And everyone who votes to confirm him in January has to go as well.

There can be zero tolerance for traitors.