We’re Talking About Healthcare Again, I Guess. Damn It.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2017

Please please please.

I thought this was over.

Let’s just please please please stop talking about healthcare.

Fox News:

Looking to break the logjam in Washington on repealing and replacing ObamaCare, President Donald Trump said Saturday evening that he was willing to pursue “a temporary deal” to get a new health care plan in place.

In remarks on the South Lawn of the White House before leaving for a fundraising trip to North Carolina, the president referred to a popular GOP proposal that would have the federal government turn over money for health care directly to states in the form of block grants.

“If we could do a one-year deal or a two-year deal as a temporary measure, you’ll have block granting ultimately to the states, which is what the Republicans want,” he said. “That really is a repeal and replace.”

Meanwhile, in an interview taped earlier this week and aired Saturday night on Trinity Broadcasting Network, the president assured host Mike Huckabee that “We’ll have health care before the election.”

Earlier Saturday, Trump said he had spoken with the Senate’s Democratic leader on Friday to gauge whether the minority party was interested in helping pass “great” health legislation.

Democrats said they willing to hear his ideas, but were not willing to scrap the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare.

Trump’s latest overture to Democrats followed GOP failures so far to fulfill the party’s years-long promise to repeal and replace the ACA, despite controlling the White House and Congress since January.

The president tweeted that he called Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Friday to discuss the ACA, which Trump said was “badly broken, big premiums. Who knows!”

Trump said he wanted “to see if the Dems want to do a great HealthCare Bill.”

They don’t want to do that, Mr. President.

We already lost the game, because John McCain kiked us. It’s over.


Can’t we just do something about the obesity epidemic and not need all of this healthcare?

Seriously – let’s put the FDA on regulating transfats and HFCS and the rest of the crap, then put the remaining fatties in camps.

We would reduce 90% of national healthcare costs by doing that.

I don’t even think that’s an exaggeration.

I hate John McCain so much.

Really, probably more than any other person on the planet.