Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 7, 2014

A fashion shoot in India is coming under international fire for featuring a woman getting groped by men on a bus, apparently purposefully referencing the infamous 2012 Delhi gang-rape case.
The feminists are having seizures.
Photographer Raj Shetye’s images show a model fighting off men on a bus, in a scene reminiscent of the rape and murder that shocked India.
Many social media users said they found the photos “disgusting” and “horrible”.
Mr Shetye said the shoot was “just a depiction of the situation of women in our country” and not based on the rape.
The photos were taken down from the Behance site after angry reactions on Twitter and Facebook.
The gang rape and murder of the 23-year-old physiotherapy student – dubbed Nirbhaya (fearless) by the media – led to days of protests and forced the authorities to introduce tough new anti-rape laws.
Four men were sentenced to death. A fifth, a juvenile at the time of the crime, is serving a three-year sentence.
What the glamorization of a rape scene shows is that rape is a deeply embedded, genetically-determined aspect of Indian sexuality. These people are not the same as us, and their minds do not function in the same way. Just as animals “rape” one another as a normal method of breeding, so do many humans.
But the feminist blogosphere is outraged by the images. Because outrage is their livelihood.

It is ridiculous that the White Western World wishes to enforce their morality on these savage brown people. Morality is a function of the social order, designed to make it work. If Indians can maintain a functional social order while celebrating gang-rape, whose business is that? Some teenage feminist on Tumbler? Even if they can’t maintain their social order by promoting gang-rape, whose problem is that?

Why do we think it is our job to go fix these people? Is there anything more condescending than going to brown countries and trying to tell the people how to live their lives? Isn’t that the exact same thing that the evil White colonizers get accused of doing?
If it is different, liberals, than what exactly is the difference?

Your only possible argument would be that feminist morality is objectively better than Christian morality, and that would be a fallacy because by definition morality is an abstraction which can only be deemed objective in nature when being defined by an stable social paradigm. In other words, inflicting any type of moral imperative on a foreign culture is a condescending social invasion.
Another difference is that during the colonial period, we didn’t already know that it is impossible to get brown people to abide by civilized Western codes of conduct. We now have hundreds of years of this fact being repeatedly demonstrated. End your Jihad against thousands of years old perverted Indian weirdness, and do something about the black rape epidemic in America, or the Muslim rape epidemic in Europe.