Daily Stormer
January 26, 2015

The hypocrisy of Western leaders in praising this dead Arab are so obvious that even retard-level leftists are noticing it.
An anti-terrorism march in Paris honoring victims of the Charlie Hebdo attacks didn’t register at the White House as something to scramble President Barack Obama’s or Vice President Joe Biden’s schedule to attend. This week’s royal succession in Saudi Arabia got the opposite treatment: White House aides upended plans for both to show as much respect to the new Saudi king as they could.
The difference between the Riyadh and Paris decisions, White House aides explained Saturday, was that they knew in advance that the condolence call for King Abdullah would draw global leaders. By contrast, aides were taken by surprise when 44 heads of state turned up to lock arms amid “Je Suis Charlie” placards on just two days’ notice—so surprised that they were forced to apologize.
It may seem unseemly to some that Obama is rushing to pay his respects to a feudal monarchy while failing to honor innocent victims of terrorism. But there’s more at stake in this visit than appearances.
U.S. officials are eager to establish a working relationship with the new Saudi king as soon as possible amid unrest that threatens both countries: Islamic State of Syria in the Levant (ISIL) has beheaded Americans and controls large amounts of territory in neighboring Syria. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has resurged in another Saudi neighbor, Yemen, as rival militias have seized the country’s capital and deposed the U.S.-friendly president. And with his administration deep in nuclear negotiations with Iran, Obama needs to reassure Saudi leaders uneasy over the United States’ rapprochment with its geopolitical and religious rival.
The reverential reaction from western leaders to the news of King Abdullah’s death and the expected procession of top dignitaries to pay condolences in Riyadh serve as a reminder that Saudi Arabia, with its abundant wealth and geopolitical influence, is a perpetual exception to the west’s emphasis on human rights.
The outpouring of praise for the king focused on his status as a relative liberal within the Saudi context, especially on women’s issues. But the recent public flogging of a liberal blogger and the video of the beheading of a woman with a sword have offered snapshots of one of the harsher human rights regimes in the world.
“King Abdullah’s reign brought about marginal advances for women but failed to secure the fundamental rights of Saudi citizens to free expression, association, and assembly,” Human Rights Watch said. The group said that since 2011, the regime has grown even harsher as it has attempted to stifle online criticism “through intimidation, arrests, prosecutions, and lengthy prison sentences”.
Raif Badawi, the blogger sentenced to 1,000 lashes, to be meted out 50 at a time, was punished simply for running a liberal website dedicated to freedom of speech. The execution video, leaked last week by activists, was an example of a widespread practice. Over 80 people were executed in 2014, mostly by beheading, a practice that has triggered global revulsion when used in recent months by Islamic State extremists.
None of these issues has dampened western courtship of Riyadh, or the response to the king’s passing. Flags were put at half-mast at official buildings across London on Friday, in a move the UK’s Department for Culture said was in line with protocol following the death of a foreign monarch. And the British royal family will dispatch Prince Charles to pay respects in person.
A recent report showed that Saudi Arabia is on par with ISIS on these alleged “human rights” issues.

The confused leftists who are noticing it are framing it as some sort of “exception which proves the rule,” but the actual fact of the matter here is that “human rights” gibberish is just a means of bullying nations that the Jews disprove of. A country that is as loved by the Jews as Saudi Arabia can execute all the faggots they like and still be a top honored state with everyone bowing to its king, but if Putin tells faggots not to harass kids, you have to steal The Ukraine from him and kill a bunch of his dudes.
Because Putin isn’t playing ball.
The Jew leadership of the West could not be any more corrupt, and this praise of the dead Arab demonstrates how ridiculous the sham of “Jews as international moral compass” actually is.