Wetback Invader Families will be United in a CONCENTRATION CAMP – After Parents’ Court Date!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 24, 2018

Okay so it turns out the tactical cucking of allowing some form of family reunification wasn’t even cucking it was just tactics.

Firstly, only a few of the families have been “reunified” thus far, because reunifications aren’t going to happen until after the parents go to court. Then, they’re all going to a concentration camp together to await deportation.

USA Today:

The Trump administration released a plan Saturday evening to reunify migrant children with their parents in a mass detention center near Brownsville, Texas.

The statement says that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has “dedicated the Port Isabel Service Processing Center as the primary family reunification and removal center for adults in their custody.”

A process has been established “to ensure that family members know the location of their children and have regular communication after separation to ensure that those adults” are reunited with their children before removal, the statement said.

Reunification is expected to occur after the parent has completed their court proceedings.

Also, the idea of DNA tests has been floated.

USA Today:

Genetics testing companies are offering to help reunite families separated at the border, but it’s unclear how they would get DNA kits into the hands of migrants and the testing itself could carry hefty privacy risks for migrant families.

Legal and logistical hurdles remain to reuniting these families after more than 2,300 children were separated from their families at the U.S. border under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy.

Two for-profit DNA companies, which analyze customers’ DNA through saliva and provide ancestral information, say genetic testing could help reconnect parents with their children. They are offering to donate genetic testing kits and other resources.

The whole thing with the “child separations” is that these people are trafficking children, just kidnapping them or buying them or whatever, as passes across the border. Most of them are not really the parents of these children they bring.

I think the Democrats are not really aware of that, because they are promoting the DNA testing for reunifications thing themselves.

So the media is suggesting not to do it, saying that it could lead criminal family members of these migrants being arrested.

The algorithms that these companies use could be an effective way to locate relatives in this situation, says Dr. Ruth Ballard, a forensics DNA expert and professor of biological science at California State University Sacramento.

Serious privacy risks come with handing over your genetic information to a company, Dr. Ballard said.

The arrest of the Golden State Killer last month showed how genetic information can be subject to police subpoena. In that case, authorities identified a suspected killer through a familial match on GEDmatch.

For migrants, this identifying information could put them or their relatives in a vulnerable position. If their genetic information is stored, it could be accessible to law enforcement agencies, including those that deal with immigration enforcement. 

“Anytime you give your DNA to a third party you’re potentially giving up a lot of information about yourself,” Dr. Ballard said. “You have to trust that the company will do what they say they’re going to do with that information.”

Sort of racist to suggest that all of these immigrants are likely related to criminals, no?

But I digress.

The zero tolerance policy is strong. Still.

The executive order Trump signed isn’t really even possible to enforce. The thing here is, there is a law saying a child migrant can only be kept in a camp for 20 days.


The fate of hundreds of undocumented children taken from parents remains unclear a day after President Donald Trump moved to roll back his policy.

He ordered on Wednesday that the children be held with their parents while they are detained on charges of crossing the border illegally.

But under US law, migrant children cannot be detained more than 20 days by immigration officials.

But the parents can and will be held indefinitely.

So after a brief reunion at the Texas Concentration Camp, the children will be placed in care homes or foster care with pedophiles while the parents will then be sent back to jail.

The whole thing is a weird joke – but the joke is not on us, but on Democrats who demanded an impossible executive order be signed, on the spics and on the spic children who are going to get quite a surprise when they get handed off to pedophiles.

It doesn’t even matter.

Once the RED WAVE passes over us in November, we are going to be able to do whatever we want with immigration.

And first on the menu is a “catch aand deport” scheme, which will allow ICE to just grab these people when they cross, put them on a bus and send them right back across the border.

Attempts to “fix” immigration before November have been shut down.

They’re all going back.