Whackjob: Alexis Calls for Another Referendum – This Time, Against Himself

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2015

"Shut it down, you say? How about I shut ME down!"
“Shut it down, you say? How about I shut ME down!”

The criminally insane communist dictator of Greece has called for a new referendum – this time, against himself.

Financial Times:

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has thrown down a challenge to his critics by calling a “referendum” of Syriza party members on Greece’s latest bailout agreement, saying his government had made “difficult choices” to protect the country from bankruptcy.

Addressing the party’s 200 strong central committee at a specially called meeting on Thursday, he proposed a Yes-or-No vote on the €86bn bailout to be held on Sunday.

Greek radio and television stations interrupted their regular programmes to broadcast Mr Tsipras’s speech live from the party gathering at a cinema in central Athens, a sign of how the meeting is seen as critical to the country’s stability.

The premier appealed to committee members to speak up openly, saying: “Anyone who wants a different government or a different premier should say so. Those who believe this is the worst memorandum [bailout] of all should say so now.”

Just as the last referendum made no sense, this one makes no sense.

In fact, this one makes significantly less sense, given that this is a worse deal than the Greeks already voted “oxi” on a couple weeks ago. The senselessness is compounded by the fact that the deal has already been signed. Also compounded by the fact that Alexis has already shown that he will do the opposite of what people vote in referendums – but wait, maybe that makes this one make more sense, as he knows that people who are against him won’t even bother to vote.

I don’t know.