What are Filthy Jews Saying About Obama’s Gun-Grabbery?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2016

dancing jews

Shockingly, Jews appear to completely hate all forms of basic freedom, and so are celebrating the evil act of gun-grabbery against America by the TOP APE.

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen of American Jewish University and Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice has said “wow, great job to this ape.”

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen

Jewish Journal of Los Angeles:

“I thought it was a beginning of a good cultural shift, [although] the reforms he is bringing are minimal … I think it clearly should be a priority for the American body politic,” Cohen said of curbing gun violence. “It clearly should be a priority for the Jewish community in terms of pikuah nefesh,” referring to the Jewish obligation to save a life in jeopardy.

Here’s the Wikipedia page on Pikuah Nefesh if you want to learn more about this alleged belief of the Jews. In actual fact, it doesn’t apply to goyim, because they are not believed to be human.

Gabby Giffords, the former Arizona representative Jew, has argued that the measures do not go far enough, but has celebrated them nonetheless.


The Forward:

Giffords, the first Jewish congresswoman from her home state of Arizona, received a standing ovation as she entered the East Room ahead of the President’s historic announcement that he would sidestep Congress and order more gun sellers to get licenses and more gun buyers to undergo background checks … “33 Americans are murdered w/ a gun every day. And Congress has done nothing. Today’s responsible actions by @POTUS will save lives,” Giffords tweeted in praise of Obama.

The Forward piece also notes organized Jewish groups are praising the terrorist actions of Obongo.

Jewish groups praised new executive actions by President Barack Obama to reduce gun violence.

Representatives of the National Council of Jewish Women, Jewish Women International and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella body for Jewish public policy groups, were present at the announcement of the initiatives. They were among an array of groups including the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center and its Central Conference of American Rabbis that praised the actions.

With his executive actions, Obama is directing federal agencies to take the steps he proposed.

“These proposals are a step forward,” said Jared Feldman, the JCPA’s Washington director. “They are clearly insufficient to the magnitude of the problem. We’re going to need Congress to engage — and engage substantively — on these issues.”

Haaretz notes that the National Council of Jewish Women has also praised this evil act against us, but added that they would continue to push for more extreme gun-grabbery.

The National Council of Jewish Women, which has been advocating for gun control since 1969, would continue to work on the state level, said its CEO, Nancy Kaufman.

“We still hold out hope the Congress will understand they need to do something,” she said, but added that the most effective route now seemed to be to advance background checks and gun trafficking on the state level.

The ADL also praised this illegal action which destroys the US Constitution.

This is par for the course, of course. Jews have been pushing for gun control for decades, and all the major gun-control advocates are Jewish, including the most vocal, which is former Jew NYC Mayor Bloomberg.


The other top grabbers are Chucky Schumer and Diane Feinstein – Jews both.


If you’re going to invite an alien group to rule over you with an iron fist, you should really make sure they are not so hostile as these filthy Jews.