Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2014

One problem with the Black riot movement is that they don’t seem to have very clear demands (At least the public voices of the movement don’t – on the streets the Blacks themselves are demanding dead cops).
It seems that part of the Black riot movement should be about focusing on list of demands that go beyond murder, burning bitches down and overturning the criminal justice system to give Blacks the right to attack people on the street.
A leader of the Black complaining movement, Black feminist Jasymne Cannick, recently appeared on Fox News and her gibbering seems to highlight the inability to articulate any clear demands.
Let’s look at the demands she made.
When asked about what problems she wishes to solve, Cannick said:
There is hope as long as people want to be honest about it and they want to honestly make the changes that need to be made. And those changes include looking at the criminal justice system. Looking at our educational system. Looking at what are the barriers that keep black and brown people from being hired in this country. We need to have honest discussions about all of that and make policy changes, that include all of us so that we can also become a part of the One Percent.
We need to look at things, she says. If those are the demands, I think White America should be able to meet them.
We do need to look at these things. We need to look at them scientifically, I would argue, and come up with scientific answers.
The criminal justice system: we need to look at why Blacks are so exponentially more likely to commit crimes.
The educational system: we need to look at why, when we spend the same amount of money on Black schools (if not more), Blacks continually fail to compete on a level even approaching that of Whites.

Blacks not being hired: Presumably, this relates most directly to the failures in Black education. And actual on-the-job performance disparities between Whites and Blacks. But by all means, let’s look into it.
Let’s look into all of these things and come up with statistics and use them to make graphs and charts and figure out why it is that you Negroes fail so consistently at everything you are allegedly trying to do.
If these are the goals of the Black movement then hell, I should be out there marching with you. Though the actual real-life non-vague goals, such as murdering police, seem to be taking precedence over these “let’s look at things” goals of the Blacks appearing on TV.