What Happened to Men, Women and Relationships?

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2014

Angelo John Gage talks about feminism and how it is not just anti-men, but anti-women as well.

Both sexes are different for a reason and the reason is not just that they have different genitals.

The vastly understated power of male and female hormones are never brought up by feminists, but they must have a very strong effect on the mind, as these hormones are so powerful that they effect our very DNA and tell it to construct our bodies differently.

Nature has given us our different gender roles and rebelling against them is like trying to exist without breathing. It is just not possible. Women have been entrusted with the most important resource of all, our children and in order to devote their time to raising them right, they need to be provided for and protected, by a man. That is the way things are meant to be and that is why feminism is used by the enemy as a weapon against us. It is an inter-generational weapon that harms our descendants as much as it harms us.
