What is Going on Between Trump and Kellyanne Conway?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2019

I haven’t been paying all that much attention to Dolard Blormf and his circus show, because it’s really just depressing at this point.

There was a time when I would have thought raging against the already dead John McCain was the funniest thing ever.

I mean, with his widowed wife out there posting this tweet?

That would have just been the best, back in the old days.

But now, when I look at Trump news that should be fun, I feel like a man whose wife left him for a nigger, drunk and crying watching his wedding video.

That said, I can’t manage to look away from this public dispute between Trump and Kellyanne Conway’s husband.

George Conway and Trump have been having a feud that sort of interlays with the feud he is having with McCain’s corpse.

Kellyanne is literally siding openly with Trump, saying he protects her from her husband.


This is really going way the fuck out in some other zone here now.

I mean… wew.

Those comments were Thursday.

On Wednesday, she told CNN that she gets along with Trump “because of my gender.”

I don’t know what is going on between these two.

But I certainly know what it looks like.

I’m not even going to type the words out loud, because it is just too disrespectful to Melania.

But imagine seeing this dynamic in any other workplace in America. Imagine what it would look like.

Presumably, everyone involved would be fired quickly, and you wouldn’t ever even get to see it play out this long.

But wow.

