What is Going on with All of This Anti-Semitism?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2017

There are 28 articles on anti-Semitism on Google News from the last 24 hours.

What you will not find in any of these articles, or any of the hundreds that are published every single week, is an explanation as to why so many people hate the Jews.

There is quite literally zero attempt to even address the concept that this problem has a cause.

It is the single supposed problem that I am aware of existing for which there is no attempt to state a cause.

The only one.

Even with the other “hatred for no reason” concepts they come up with something:

  • If you don’t like gays, it’s because you are yourself secretly gay
  • If you don’t like blacks, it is because you have an aesthetic distaste for the color of their skin
  • If you don’t like women, it’s because you fear female empowerment because you’re insecure
  • But with the Jews?


No attempt to explain it.

Yet there is a constant need – we are told – to solve it.

Yet because there is no cause to be dealt with in order to solve it, the only potential solution to it is to silence or imprison anyone who engages in anti-Semitism, which is loosely – or perhaps strictly – defined as “questioning anything that the Jews do.”