What is Most Important to You?

Daily Stormer
February 9, 2014

Dr. William Pierce

We need to see ourselves in context, as part of the bigger picture; we need to understand our responsibility and purpose. We are responsible to those before us, who built everything we have. We must ensure that their toil and sacrifice was not in vain. We must be responsible to those who come after, make sure that what our ancestors bequeathed us is preserved and enhanced for our children. These should be the most important things to us.

We need to be concerned about the world, we need to become involved in it and make ourselves responsible for it. We are facing the greatest threat we have ever faced, we are facing extinction. The two forces doing this to us are our Jew-controlled governments and our Jew-controlled media. We need to neutralize those two forces.

We must guide our people back on the road to duty and responsibility by setting an example of doing our duty and being responsible. If we do not defeat those who intend to destroy us, they will defeat us.

We must act. We must take every chance we get. No loss from acting can ever be worse than the loss from not acting. No excuses. If we do not act, everything will be lost.

The first move must be to alert all our people, we must educate them. Many people will not want hear it, they will be afraid as it is not politically correct. But for every fool that ignores us, there will be one who already has an understanding and just needed to hear us to know that their understanding was correct. Those who have open hearts and open ears will hear us. We must reach out, alert, encourage and inspire them, and in doing so, they will encourage and inspire us in return.