Journalist Lee Fang was a guest host for Glenn Greenwald’s System Update show on Rumble last week. Glenn needs to go on many vacations, I’m sure to, you know, experience cultures and so on. I’m sure that’s his main priority on all these vacations he’s constantly on.
Lee is one of the last real journalists. At least at the Intercept he was doing work that was really beyond what most all journalists are doing. He’s fine on podcasts, although he’s got that Chinese autism-like thing that 90% of Chinamen have. He’s not gay, by the way. With dapper East Asians it’s sometimes a bit ambiguous, especially when they’ve got his sort of interior design sense.
But he’s married and I think has kids. Hosting the show, he was really having problems monologuing, but I think he was mostly nervous and relying on a teleprompter. I don’t think he’s ever hosted a video show solo like that, so I won’t judge, but the shows were a bit dull.
I listened to most of the shows he did. He made a comment on Friday I wanted to comment on. Talking about the conflict between Russia and America, he noted that Russia’s media propaganda is all about how they are defending traditional Christian values against the satanic West, while America’s propaganda is all about how they are protecting democracy (which is basically a codeword for “satanism” at this point, though Lee didn’t mention that). His analysis is that both of these narratives are just propaganda, and this is actually just a power struggle between two large states. This is sort of too obvious and literal to be actually useful analysis. It’s like claiming that a gunfight is really about bullets flying in different directions propelled by the rapid expansion of gases generated when the gunpowder inside the cartridge is ignited by the primer. The actual question of interest when analyzing a gunfight is why the two parties involved are firing guns at one another, not the ballistics.
When we consider why the US and Russia are involved in this struggle, the propaganda of the two states is basically the straightforward explanation. There is nuance, because Russia is not really an ideal Christian state (though I think it is trying to be one, putting the standard amount of Russian effort into the project), and US-style democracy is not actually “freedom” but rather the opposite. But the basic narrative that this is a conflict rooted in differences in first principles is fundamentally true, and should be obvious.
Many or most former communist states, including former Russian states, have been fully or partially integrated into the Western system. None of those countries were anywhere near as powerful as Russia, but Russia spent the first decade and a half following the fall of communism making overtures to the West, pushing for collaborative ties, and they were successful in this endeavor with their energy relationship with Europe. But the US was intent on dominating Russia. But what does this domination entail? It is entirely about bullying Russia into accepting “Western democracy values,” which would mean abandoning the traditional values that Russia is striving to maintain.
When the United States claims that democracy countries do not have wars with each other, this is true. The reason is that the democracy ideology is fundamentally international and multicultural, and it is always dominated by the United States through the cultural manipulation that the US is so good at. If you allow democracy, that means you allow the Western media establishment (which they cartoonishly label a “free press”), which causes the population to adopt the American value system of materialism, consumerism, atheism, and the destruction of the family through normalization of decadent and deviant sexual norms. Meanwhile, the electoral system of democracy ensures that the power structure, controlled by the United States, can never actually be challenged. Even if you follow the rules the rules can be changed arbitrarily, as Romania’s Calin Georgescu recently discovered when he, as the election frontrunner, was banned from standing in the presidential election. If you are a democracy, you are under a full lockdown by the internationalist system that operates out of the United States, so there can’t be conflict.
Just so, Russia’s own mass media propaganda is absolutely correct that the United States is trying to force these values on Russia. Through the National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, a plethora of Soros-backed NGOs, the entire social media apparatus, and many other outlets, the US was actively spreading anti-Christian values in Russia, before these organizations were all banned by the Kremlin following the outbreak of the war.
So, while the propaganda might be an oversimplification, as all mass propaganda necessarily is, this is a pedantic argument. Defining it as a power struggle between states is technically true, but means nothing. The important issue is why the power struggle exists, and if Russia was a Western-style democracy, there would be no power struggle.
An important note is that the Russian elite do not have more wealth or power because the Russian state is resisting the Western system. Although Putin personally would have a problem if Western democracy were to triumph in Russia, the rich of Russia would end up with more money and not have to give up any power. When Romania went in on democracy, Nicolae Ceaușescu did not do well, but the elite made out like bandits, as the Western democracy system allowed for much more aggressive looting than the former communist system did. It was the political elite of Romania that sold Ceaușescu down the river, as they had made deals with the West that would allow them to privatize state assets.
One could claim that it is overly romantic to portray Vladimir Putin as a crusader fighting in defense of historical Christendom against the Western hordes of satanic perverts, but even the most cynical analysis would have to frame Putin as fighting for a personal legacy as a great man of history, and that legacy of greatness can only be based on the defense of traditional Russian identity. (No one is going to remember Mikhail Gorbachev or Boris Yeltsin as great men of history.) Therefore, the romantic and cynical interpretations of the personal motivations of Putin and his inner circle mean the same thing, and therefore any pontification of his personal motivations is a pointless distraction.
America is a satanic entity entirely controlled by Jews who hate Jesus Christ and all human normalcy. As Saint Paul said, the Jews are the enemies of all mankind. That is the core of the struggle between America and its enemies, and therefore, the simplistic narratives of the media apparatuses of both America and Russia reach a fundamental truth that Mearsheimerian power theory completely fails to address.