What is the Point of Being a Liberal Anymore?

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2018

I stumbled on a good talking point recently when trying to red pill some regular beta boy shmucks and thought I’d share.

They started rattling off their shitlib beliefs, but instead of fighting them head-on, I just asked them, “what are you getting out of all this?”

By “this” I meant modern shitlibbery and on the face of it, it’s a pretty simple question. Because what is politics in a democracy boiled down to its most basic level? It used to be that one interest group would organize and lobby the government to get what they wanted. If another interest group had different interests, these groups would then fight it out in the political arena.

It’s not ideal, I suppose. I don’t really even know what the difference is between lobbying and corruption except that one seems to be allowed for big corporations.

But I can understand people recognizing their material interests and just voting for them instead of fighting in the streets. As a system, it’s not the worst.

But most of the shit that we’re supposed to care about nowadays has no real bearing on our material well-being. I mean back in the day, politicians would at least break open a keg in the town square and throw a party to get people to vote for them.

Andrew Jackson literally gave his supporters massive amounts of cheese.

Pretty cool of him if you ask me.

But now people do shit to virtue-signal and they get no benefits out of it anymore. Take a typical beta soyboy. What does he even get for White Knighting or being a male feminist or pro-refugee or an anti-racist or whatever the fuck.

Nothing really. They get no girls, no extra money, nothing that benefits them materially in any way.

Take me for an example. Ideally, if I were to vote for a party, I would want to hear them offer me exactly what I want. It just makes more sense to me than advocating for shit that will hurt me but give me a moral tingling high.

If a politician came up and listed the following points on his platform, he’d have my vote. From the top in order of importance:

  • Make women hotter/thinner
  • Bring back low-waist jeans
  • Ban rap, hip-hop and hipster music from all bars, clubs, and public spaces
  • Ban Black people entirely
  • Ban old/fat/cat ladies from teaching at schools
  • Put ugly chicks in burkas
  • Gas the pit bulls
  • State-subsidized gym memberships
  • Free Thai massage on first Friday of every month
  • Lemonade-filled water fountains

It’s silly, but it should make sense.

If voting Liberal got me those things, maybe I would vote Liberal.

Speaking of my list of demands, I remember there was a time when girls tried to look like Britney Spears.

Now you can say whatever you want to say about Britney – she was never a very wholesome role model for young girls.

But she had a thin waistline that she showed off all the time. She single-handedly helped the low-waistline jeans trend take off.

And while it wasn’t very modest, it was admittedly pretty sexy and had good effects on women in America. There was no hiding your fat, you had to endure the shame or diet until you were sexy again.

Those were good times.

But now, the average girl tries to look like this.

Don’t be fooled. The return of high-waist mom pants coincides with the fatty epidemic. Hipster jeans became fashionable out of necessity as society had to collectively come to an agreement that it was better for the public good to just give up and mitigate the fat chick problem by hiding Millennials’ ugly hanging guts. Even if you got a new Britney Spears out there now to act as a thin role model or something, the Hipsters would launch a Freak Mafia hit job at her for conforming to toxic masculine standards of beauty or something. So better to just cover those fat folds up.

It’s sad to even think these things, but I believe that Britney was a symbol of a better time.

It was a time when the Liberals still offered something.

I guess the Jews still had to seduce the goyim and sweeten the deal to convince people to drop their standards. Things weren’t so ugly back then. As a result, people thought that life could be like a Seinfeld or Friends sitcom. It would just be about chilling with your good-looking friends in the big city, having fun and casual sex and everything would remain modern and civilized, only a bit more fun for everyone.

The people shouting about the end times coming soon were looked at as freaks. Everything was fine. Everything was getting more chill and there were few drawbacks.

I could see myself being a liberal back in the 90s if I wasn’t red-pilled.

I mean, if it meant having easy sex with thin girls wearing tight jeans that actively tried to look like Brittany Spears, that’d be one thing. You could probably sell me on that shit.

But now?

What does Liberalism offer anymore? Everything has become so ugly. People have no standards. Beauty is gone.

So I asked these blue-pilled “men” why they give so much of a shit about being proud Liberals. You don’t get easy sex with hot women, fast cars and fun times anymore. What does advocating for fag rights get you as a straight White man? For refugees? For Feminists? For nogunz?


And all around you, things have gotten much worse:

It’s Mad Max-tier shit for the prole Whites and ball crushing soyification for the SWPL-class huWhytes.

Just ask White men who are still Liberal, “what are you even getting out of this anymore?”

I think few of them could even answer you. Appealing to their selfishness cuts to the heart of the matter. It puts the thought in the normie’s mind that he is being taken for a ride, played for a chump somehow. And no one likes that feeling.

You don’t have to bring up the Jews, or all the red pill esoterica you’ve accumulated over the years.

Just imply that they’re getting screwed. Where’s their “Obama phone?” Where’s the hot big city gf? Where’s the cherry-red convertible? Where’s the steak dinner?

Watch them stutter and rethink their life decisions right before your eyes.