What Kind of Lives Did Actual Barbarians Live?

Daily Stormer
June 15, 2017

Over at Counter-Currents I saw a common assault against the values of WHITE SHARIA. Calling it “Whigger Sharia,” they allege it is an embrace of foreign ideals and barbarism:

What is it that compels those who are otherwise pro-white to resort to fetishizing the culture of barbarous foreign peoples? … We generally try to end such barbarity wherever we go – even when doing so does not directly benefit us.

In response to the ridiculous utterance that we are promoting anything to do with foreign culture I already wrote an essay describing our values as the general attitude towards women that prevailed in Europe from pre-Christian Greece and Rome to the end of the neo-Classical period in the 19th century. We want to restore coverture and domestic discipline, and abolish birth control and marital rape laws.

With over 1800 Facebook shares, it is the most well read and discussed document concerning the subject of all time. This point was then reiterated by Anglin in his essay “Revealing the Esoteric Nature of the White Sharia Meme” which is the second most well read and discussed document concerning the topic. Anyone claiming that we promote non-European culture is either woefully ignorant and we must question their intellect or is acting in utter dishonesty and we must question their motives.

Today, however, I am not here to lecture you about what traditional gender roles entail. I am here to give an urgently needed lesson in history, an education in which our critics suffer from a sore lack.

When one alleges that we are barbarous, a truthful answer to a single question may be uttered in refutation.

What kind of lives did actual barbarians live?

After we have answered this question, I believe that many of our readers and perhaps even our critics over at Counter Currents will be wonderfully enlightened.

The tribes the Greeks and Romans referred to as barbarians, Aristotle’s “belligerent nations,” had degrees of political equity for women unparalleled in white European society until the establishment of suffrage in the 20th century. Women used their political equity to garner vast political and economic influence, becoming loci for material wealth and common envoys to foreign civilizations.

Out of frustration with the cost of heterosexual relationships becoming excessively high and women bullying them with weird superstitions about faeries riding their accessory dogs, barbarian men frequently turned to homosexuality. The word barbarian was steeped in moral disgust. Most barbarians were weak faggots who could not control their women, and as a result were subjugated before the superior Roman physique and ingenuity.

Think I’m a liar with a sickening worldview corrupted by misogyny? Check the primary sources before you make your judgements.

Athenaeus: The Deipnosophists, Book 13:

And the Celts, too, although they have the most beautiful women of all the barbarians, still make great favourites of boys; so that some of them often go to rest with two lovers on their beds of hide.

Didorus Siculus, Book V:

Although their wives are comely, they have very little to do with them, but rage with lust, in outlandish fashion, for the embraces of males … And the most astonishing thing of all is that they feel no concern for their proper dignity, but prostitute to others without a qualm the flower of their bodies; nor do they consider this a disgraceful thing to do, but rather when anyone of them is thus approached and refuses the favour offered him, this they consider an act of dishonour.

Aristotle’s Politics II:

Again, the freedom in regard to women is detrimental both in regard to the purpose of the constitution and in regard to the happiness of the state. For just as man and wife are part of a household, it is clear that the state also is divided nearly in half into its male and female population, so that in all constitutions in which the position of the women is badly regulated one half of the state must be deemed to have been neglected in framing the law. And this has taken place in the state under consideration, for the lawgiver wishing the whole city to be of strong character displays his intention clearly in relation to the men, but in the case of the women has entirely neglected the matter; for they live dissolutely in respect of every sort of dissoluteness, and luxuriously.

So wait, you’re telling me that the barbarians were hugely influenced by women politically? That all their women were living in the lap of luxury via the fruits of their harlotry? That all their men were catamites because their women were so manipulative and rotten, and thus were too weak to keep themselves from being trivially conquered by the Romans?

Skanks having the time of their lives whilst their cities are conquered by foreigners? Never heard of this.

Wow, just wow. How progressive of the barbarians. They sound like perfect recipients of an Open Society Foundations grant. If those barbarians were here with us today most of their women would be into garbage like FEMEN and all the men would be passing through the Castro district of San Francisco.

The state of barbarians begs another question. How did the greatest and most culturally influential empire in all history manage its women in the same period?

Roman women were expected to wear veils as a symbol of the husband’s authority over his wife; a married woman who omitted the veil was seen as withdrawing herself from marriage. In 166 BC, consul Sulpicius Gallus divorced his wife because she had left the house unveiled, thus allowing all to see, as he said, what only he should see.


If average Romans were alive today they’d be being harassed out of their jobs for offensive statements about women, niggers and kikes. They’d be ruined in family courts and charged with domestic abuse. They’d be telling women dressed like whores, “You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault.”

So now that we know what the lives of most barbarians were like, we have a firm intellectual basis for a dialectic of gender politics based in barbarism against civilization.

If you think the political equity of women is a good idea, you are obligated to then praise Jews. Jews brought us the political equity of women. They were there every step of the way, ending two thousand years of continuous European civilization to “liberate” women from coverture, physical discipline and the consequences of harlotry and let them make whatever choices they want. Jews were responsible for forcing the conditions of barbarians upon us. I must give the Jews credit for this accomplishment. The barbarians are here, they’re queer, and they’re well past our gates.

I, unlike our critics, stand against barbarism. I stand against the progression of time. I say we should punish these skanks like they damn well deserve, turn them into property and build an intergalactic empire even greater than the glories of Rome. Now that we have answered two important questions of knowledge, I would ask two more of you of loyalty.

Will you stand with the coming empire against the barbarian hordes?

Will you stand with WHITE SHARIA?