What the Hell Happened in Reno?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2016

So, we had a bit of a scare last night when someone yelled “gun” at a Trump rally and The Leader was pulled off the stage by Secret Service agents.

Of course, we assumed the worst.

But presently, there is no evidence this was an actual assassination attempt.

Instead, it seems some greasy cuckold traitor was attempting to stir-up drama.

Though I don’t think it is beyond the realm of possibility someone else put him up to this. It is rather shocking that he wasn’t arrested.

USA Today:

The man who caused a commotion at a Donald Trump rally Saturday said he’s a registered Republican who wanted only to show his displeasure with his party’s nominee.

Members of the audience at the event for the GOP presidential nominee tackled Austyn Crites, 33, of Reno after someone yelled “gun” while others were trying to rip away his anti-Trump sign.

“I just went with sign that said ‘Republicans Against Trump,’ ” Crites said. “It’s a sign that you can find online. I held up the sign and initially people around me were just booing me telling me to get out of there. Then a couple of these guys tried grabbing the sign out of my hands.

Look at this smarmy little faggot.


He actually appears to be a literal GRIDS homo.

Crites had no weapon. Secret Service agents later released a statement to that effect and let him go without charges.

Agents whisked Trump offstage because Crites was near the front of the auditorium at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center.

Crites said he holds no ill will toward the Secret Service or Reno police, who were just doing their job.

“I was trying to get the Secret Service’s attention for them to respond,” said Michael Newton, 45, of Santa Rosa, Calif., who helped restrain Crites. “They didn’t respond. I thought I had to do something. I put my knee on what I think was his head, so I’m not really sure. There were five guys on him and he was moving. I tried to help them immobilize him.”

Newton said he felt as if Crites were the aggressor.

Yes, I’m sure he was.

Low testosterone men are hysterically aggressive.

“I saw his hand contact someone’s face,” he said. “Maybe two people.”

Crites said he didn’t strike anyone, but after he was taken to the ground, he felt as if he were being mobbed.

“Multiple people just tackled me down, kicking me choking me and just beating me up,” he said. “That’s when things even got crazier. I was on the ground and people were holding my arms, legs and I kept saying I can barely breathe. I was turning my neck just to get a little bit of air to keep from passing out.

This is what you get when you mess with us.

And Trump isn’t even President yet.

We’re going to bring back waterboarding – and a lot worse.

That’s when police intervened, taking Crites away in handcuffs.

The Secret Service said its investigation is ongoing. The agency uses magnetometers at presidential campaign sites, making it difficult for weapons to be smuggled into events.

What’s baffling to Crites is how anyone could have thought he had a gun. His sign was in the air for some time and he wasn’t making any sudden movements, he said.

“It wasn’t like they noticed something suspicious and tackled me,” Crites said. “That’s not the case.”

He said he backs some GOP candidates and just wanted to voice frustration with Trump, not cause panic.

“I love all the people in that rally,” he said. “We’re all fellow Americans. They’re doing their patriotic duty. They support their candidate. I’m just there showing that I’m a Republican. I’m all of your people’s brother. I just have a slight difference of opinion.”

“Slight difference of opinion” – he wants to destroy America by supporting the criminal granny who will flood us with monkeys, take our guns, take our free speech and start a World War with Russia to save ISIS terrorists in Syria.

He is a traitor and should be in Guantanamo Bay.

Later on Facebook, Crites wrote that he has no connection with the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton but has canvassed for her for about three hours, contributed to her campaign and voted for her.

Take what happened to me tonight as a classic example of dictator incitement of violence — against your own Republican brother with a stupid sign,” he wrote. The post and his entire account were taken down soon afterward as some Trump supporters on social media called him a “Clinton thug,” “Hillary shill” and “Trump assassin.”

You have absolutely no idea what kind of INSTITUTIONALIZED VIOLENCE is on the way, Crites. You lack the ability to even begin to conceive what is coming to this country when we take control.


You are not our brother.

You are an enemy of the nation and the people.

Social media are calling him out as a part of the Hillary conspiracy – the type of birddogging O’Keefe discovered is commonplace in the Democrat party.

His name has also been found in Wikileaks documents.

The kike media is out claiming that they are the real victims.

I am so, so sick of hearing about how the elite Jewish media are victims of the people. It is the absolute most ridiculous nonsense I’ve ever heard of. But they just keep on with this claim.

Politico’s Glenn Thrush blamed Trump personally for the incident, but deleted the tweet.

Thrush is the non-Jew reporter who was caught by Wikileaks preparing stories for Clinton. A recent Wikileaks drop showed that he did this on other occasions as well.

He literally wears a fedora.


These “journalists” are so absolutely disgusting. I mean the non-Jewish ones. The Jewish ones are just Jews – calling Jews “disgusting” is redundant.

Journalists are basically on par with taxi drivers, as far as ethics goes. Both are massively corrupt industries, where basically everyone involved is a criminal. The thing is, with taxi drivers, these are uneducated people, typically low IQ, who have just taken a job that no one else wants to do.

Journalists have to go to school, and are taking a job that, as far as professional jobs go, is not on the high end of the payment scale. So one would think they have some emotional investment in the job, at least when they’re in college.

Don’t they all watch Citizen Kane and dream of ensuring the people know the truth about power?

Interestingly, Thrush actually showed shame in one of his emails to Podesta about a planted story, lamenting the fact he had “become a hack.”


Even though I’m aware of all of this derangement, I was somewhat shocked this week to find that a freelance reporter, Luke O’Brien, who was doing a huge essay for Huffington Post about the Alt-Right, appears to have been working with the ADL to have me imprisoned in Germany, and went so far as to cite fake FBI quotes to try to manipulate me into giving information that could be used for this purpose.

Is that what he dreamed of in college? Working with anti-speech organizations to try to get political activists thrown in prison for wrongthink?

I simply cannot wait for these libel laws to be opened up so we can sue these people and make a lot of money.