What the Hell is a Burkina Faso?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 17, 2015

Nigga you got me right in my balls!
Nigga you got me right in my balls!

So, I guess some country in Africa just had a coup, and everybody is like “wow this is such a shocking development.”


Presidential guard officers in Burkina Faso have seized power in a coup, with reports of more than 10 deaths amid protests in the capital, Ouagadougou.

A close ally of former President Blaise Compaore has been named the country’s new leader, state television reports.

The US, France and African Union (AU) condemned the coup in the former French colony.

Those killed were shot dead by presidential guard forces in the capital, a civil society group said.

The claim by the influential Balai Citoyen group could not be independently verified.

A medical source in the city’s main hospital said three people had been killed.

An unknown number of protesters have been detained.

The coup leaders have imposed a night-time curfew across the West African state, and have ordered the closure of land and air borders, AFP news agency reports.

It’s too bad that African people can’t run governments.

Where dem niggas be has dey crib.
Where dem niggas be has dey crib.

I wonder why it is so difficult for them?

Since all people are exactly the same in every way, it must be some type of cultural thing which White people are somehow responsible for.

A true mystery.


The good news is, this oppressive new military regime will mean more immigrants into Europe, which will help our economies and help us to progress to becoming an equal society free of hatred.

Not many pictures of the current coup, but here are some fun ones from an attempted coup in October of last year.

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Please note that these are real pictures from that event I found on Al-Jazeera. Africa is actually really like this. And it’s so sad. The solution is to bring them all to Europe, where they can help us in our attempts to contact alien lifeforms and colonize Mars.