What the Hell is “Conservatism” Anyway?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2016


The NRO and larger Jewish attack on Donald Trump has brought to the forefront an important question: “what is conservatism?”

On the face of it, “conservatism” sounds like a good thing. It sounds like a doctrine based on conserving things. However, upon taking a closer look at those claiming the doctrine of “conservatism,” we see that it is actually an evil form of aggressive progressivism, aimed at abolishing traditional social and cultural norms, rather than conserving them.

I personally support conserving things. I support conserving traditional culture and social order of the West.

This would include:

  • Conserving the traditional religious and moral order of the West, based on Christianity (even if everyone in society doesn’t identify as religiously Christian, it is the Christian order which should serve as a basis of morality)
  • Conserving the traditional culture of the West, based on European historical norms, and
  • Key to both of the above, conserving the ethnic and genetic heritage of the West – the White race

However, the movement called “conservatism” seems to not be concerned about conserving any of the above three things.

What are they conserving, then?

That is much less than clear. The movement appears to be mainly focused on unrestrained capitalism and endless foreign wars. As a side, they talk about abortion and homosexuality, but these issues are clearly not the focus of the movement.

NEOCONS jews notorious

What’s more, the movement is aggressively anti-racist, and appears, like the left-wing, to have a conviction that America would be a better place if it were less White.

As far as I can tell, “free trade,” “nation building,” “small government” and “low taxes” do not do anything to conserve anything other than themselves. All things being equal, a country with protectionist economic, isolationist foreign policy, a big government and high taxes on the wealthy could “conserve” its traditions just as easily as the type of government the “conservatives” are promoting.


In fact, it seems that the opposite type of government they are promoting may be much better at conserving things.

A country with a protectionist trade policy would be significantly more likely to conserve jobs for the domestic population. It would also be significantly more likely to conserve the country’s wealth by preventing resources being turned over to third world countries who agree to do jobs for lower wages.

A country with and isolationist foreign policy would be significantly more likely to conserve the lives of its young men, as it wouldn’t be sending them to die in foreign wars in order to “spread democracy.” Isolationist foreign policy would also conserve the wealth of the nation, rather than wasting it on wars which do nothing to benefit the nation in any way.

“Big government” is a more vague term, but certainly a country with strong social safety nets would be prone to conserving the lives of the elderly, and conserving the national happiness generally. A more prominent government, if formulated properly, would also be likely to conserve the lifestyle of the people by putting restraints on abusive “big business” practices.

A country with a more even tax policy for the wealthy would conserve the working and middle classes by redistributing the tax burden to those most capable of dealing with it.


Of course, it is all more complicated than this. There are very important details involved. I am simply running through the various points these (((people))) make, and demonstrating that there is nothing innately “conservative” about the policies they are promoting.

We saw, under George W. Bush, the place these “conservative” policies lead. They lead to war, to open borders, to a loss of American jobs, to an ever increasing wealth gap and destruction of the middle class, to a weakening of the traditional moral framework of the nation, to an eroding national sovereignty.

In short: “conservative principles” serve a progressive agenda which will ultimately lead to a complete destruction of America itself.

The bottom line is that no, if we are talking about the “conservative movement,” Donald Trump is definitely not a conservative.

However, it is abundantly clear at this point that his policies will be more more efficient at conserving the things that we care about.
