What we Already Knew: Jews Destroyed South Africa

Destroy Zionism
November 28, 2013


An article at the online Jewish magazine Tablet confirms what we already knew: that Jews destroyed South Africa by being responsible, along with black terrorists, for the rise of ANC:

In 1963, after South African police arrested six Jews and seven blacks in a raid on an African National Congress hideout in the Johannesburg suburb of Rivonia—a sweep that eventually landed Nelson Mandela in prison for more than 25 years . . .

In time, of course, [the terrorist] Mandela became a hero, and the actions of those few became a point of pride for South African Jews. Beginning with his years at Johannesburg’s more or less integrated University of the Witwatersrand—aka “the Wits”—and later as an apprentice to a Jewish law firm, Nelson Mandela had a political life that was profoundly intertwined with those of Jewish activists . . .

The great majority of white [sic] South Africans involved in “the struggle” were Jewish.

The ADL’s former director said that the attitude to a political system should depend on what’s good for the Jews:

I think we too have a responsibility to determine whether or not that which stands in line to replace a current regime is better for the Jews or worse for the Jews.