When a Porn Star Kills Herself Because She is Attacked for Refusing to Fuck Homosexuals

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2017

It’s right-wing Christmas all December long, folks.

We’ve got kikes resigning from everything including the government for groping women, we’ve got enterprising camwhores trying to hijack our movement getting brutalized, we’ve got intifadas, we’ve got a major power move for government-enforced free speech on the internet, we’ve got the Identity Europa banner – we’ve got everything.

This August Ames story is a particularly juicy bit of delicious VICTORY.

This bitch hanged herself ostensibly because she was being bullied by homosexuals and their female allies for refusing to have sex with a “male actor” who had had sex with men in other porno movies.

Following the suicide, some of the homosexuals who bullied her have deleted their Tweets and/or made their accounts private – but others are doubling down, saying that they’re glad she’s dead but wish they could have had time to “educate her.”

Here’s the Tweet that started the drama back on Sunday.

It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway) that the reason “August Ames” (born Mercedes Grabowski – don’t know if Jewish – looking at her face I would assume so, but this is one story where it doesn’t really matter at all), a 23-year-old pornstar from Canada, didn’t want to do porno with homosexuals (or men who had sex with other men on film for money but were actually homosexual – that isn’t clear) is that so-called “gay sex” is associated with with significantly higher levels of sexual transmitted diseases than heterosexual sex.

From the nature of the Tweet, it appears that this is a known issue that pornographic “actresses” have – she both gives a heads up to the woman who is replacing her and condemns the industry agents in a way that suggests they knew they were supposed to warn her about this and did not.

A female porn actress replied to her early on.

And she was understanding and apologetic.

And though there were a few people who were like “well, she shouldn’t be forced to have sex with people she doesn’t want to have sex with…

…a barrage of hatred against her ensued.

There were many “fuck you” tweets, tweets telling her to “get educated,” calling her a homophobe and so on.

“Bisexual” pornstar “Sir Jaxton Wheeler,” along with a horde of anonymous and otherwise non-celebrity homosexuals and other liberals, explicitly called for her to kill herself.

She posted several tweets defending herself…

…including one saying that avoiding sex with men who have sex with other men is a standard industry practice.

Along with retweets of confirmations that she should not be forced to have sex with men she doesn’t want to have sex with.

Her last tweet before tying the noose was simply “fuck y’all.”

And just like that, she was gone.

After the death announcement – by her husband – many fled and hid in CYA mode, but Sir Jaxton Wheeler said he didn’t regret contributing to driving her toward suicide.

He has since made his account private.

Female pornstar Silvia Saige said she had “no guilt whatsoever” for attacking her, and after her death, simply wishes she would have had more time to educate her.

It’s hard to say who is the good guy and who is the bad guy in all of this.

But I can tell you who the victim is: Shane O Mac.

Unpacking This

Generally, no one has any idea how to respond to this.

According to the progressive liberal ideology:

  • Porn is good
  • Homosexuality is good
  • Homosexuals have a right to spread diseases
  • Women have a right to have sex or not have sex with anyone they want
  • Questioning homosexuals about anything is bad
  • Bullying is bad
  • Questioning the behavior of women, especially as it relates to their sexual behavior, is bad
  • Sluts killing themselves is bad

So it’s a real mess for the mainstream to try to unpack what’s gone down here.

There is no workable narrative beyond “we should all try to be more sensitive.”

Of course, I have the exact opposite views of every one listed on that list I just made, so my response to all of this is very simple:

None of any of this stuff the Jews shove down our throats is workable.

It is all simply designed to destroy.

And now, it is beginning to destroy itself. Everywhere you look, this is happening. All of these crazy hookers calling out these Jews and forcing them to resign is the civilization-altering example, but this August Ames situation is the same concept.

A Dead Hooker? 

Obviously, she didn’t kill herself just because of the bullying. Women who do porn very often have very serious mental problems.

I am a defender of prostitution as a necessary social institution which allows young men, poor men, widowers, etc. to have their sexual needs met without marriage and prevents both male self-debasement in the form of masturbation and a promiscuous “casual sex” culture from developing.

Whoring is rightly called “the oldest profession” and if it is removed from society, society stops functioning.

And part of that dynamic is that there are women who are “born whores,” who just like money and sex with strangers. In traditional Western society, these women either worked directly for a religious institution (pre-Christian) and then became priestesses of some sort when they got too old or worked for a privately-owned brothel before entering the church as nuns when they got too old. These would have been usually low-IQ women from the lower classes of society.

They would have been working in a protected environment having normal sex with normal men.

With the modern pornography industry, everything is different other than “sex for money.”

Firstly, unlike prostitution, pornography is evil – and not an evil of the “necessary” type. It is a disease which has infected and broken down people’s brains and their ability to relate to one another. Masturbating to imagery of people having sex with one another is the ultimate form of human debasement.

The women involved are not putting their deviant biological drives to the best use of the community but instead destroying the community, working for Jews and engaging in bizarre, deviant sexual behaviors.

Furthermore, they are not generally from poverty-tier society.

August Ames, for example…


Ames was born in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, but she was raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado during her teenage years In her early years, she worked as a nanny, animal-assisted aide and horseback trainer.

There is a big difference between being a hooker hidden away in a temple or brothel and being publicly blasted everywhere on the planet on computer screens. If a woman wants to be a private hooker she still can be and make as much or more money as in the pr0n industry. Porno women generally have serious daddy issues, and enter the industry because they want to self-destruct and publicly humiliate their fathers.

So the basic Jewish assessment that “pornography is good” is wrong on every single level. It destroys the people who watch it, it is staffed by people who are damaged and drives them over the edge.

No, I’m not going to take the “true conservative” view that porno is “EXPLOITING INNOCENT PRINCESSES,” nor am I going to pretend like I care that this bitch is dead. However, I think it is important to acknowledge both that women do porn generally because of psychological problems and that it is a filthy industry that does use them up.

Faggots vs Women and the Totem Pole of the Oppressed

The fact that this bitch was asking for it doesn’t mean that the faggots and faggot-defenders didn’t push her over the edge.

The level of responsibility for her death that you can put on these bulliers isn’t measurable, but it is possible that she wouldn’t have died if she hadn’t been harassed. Certainly she wouldn’t have died at this date.

So again we have this totem pole of oppression making itself a problem for the Jewish system.

In a system based on nature, the most capable are at the top of the tiered system of power, respect and resource allocation – those who have some great amount of some combination of physical strength, intelligence, charisma, emotional detachment and other competence-markers rule by default. The lowest in society are those with the least ability. Everyone fits into that somewhere.

Sure, historically, this worked better at times than at other times. Nepotism, botched succession and other forms of corruption can allow less competent people to have more power than they deserve. But a hierarchical society has an ideal form that the people can strive for.

The ideological conflicts which arose during the enlightenment and the industrial revolution which followed were based on trying to remove old and new forms of corruption and restructure the hierarchical system in a way which functioned better.

Enter the Jews. 

The ostensible concept of Marxism was to remove the hierarchy in response to conflicts about how to restructure it. This is the equivalent of deciding that the best response to a stubbed toe is to amputate your leg at the knee with a rusty chainsaw. If we follow through with that metaphor, after cutting off your leg at the knee, you’re going to do one of three things:

  1. Bleed to death
  2. Die of infection
  3. Put a tourniquet on it, keep it clean and live the rest of your life with one leg

Stalin was able to pull-off number three in Russia after seizing power from the Jews.

After the debacle that was Eastern European communism, no one was going to go along with the economic parts of it again. You just weren’t going to get anyone to do that. It is an objective fact that millions of people starve to death or are randomly killed by death squads with an unclear agenda if your nation goes full-communism.

At this point, anyone with an IQ over 95 and older than 19 that is arguing for actual communism – always with the “communism has never actually been tried” meme – is a Jew trying to kill millions of people.

Obviously, communist and socialist economic concepts are still pushed nonstop in the West – while being grotesquely coupled with the nightmare Marxist vision of out-of-control capitalism (which incidentally is also entirely organized by Jews). But no serious people are arguing for full-communism.

However, this Jewish idea of removal of the hierarchy has been fully accepted as a goal for the Western social hierarchy.

You can’t actually make everyone equal in competency, so the goal is to make people equal in the social hierarchy. To do this, you have to push down the highest group – which will always be healthy white men – while propping up the various bottom groups: brown people, women, sexual degenerates and the mentally ill.

So the hierarchy becomes inverted, with the least capable people claiming that they are oppressed because otherwise they would have more power than they do. Because the entire concept is a hoax, these groups will necessarily come into conflict as they climb on top of each other to fill the power vacuum that was created by dictating that all power be taken away from white men.

And the system has no ability to explain that, let alone deal with it.

So you have Swedish antifa attacking homosexuals for attempting to have a parade through a Moslem neighborhood.

And you have homosexuals bullying a pornstar to death for refusing to have sex with one of their people.

We know that white women are less oppressed than brown men, and thus they are effectively allowed to be raped by them – but what about white women and white non-tranny homosexuals?

Who is more oppressed there?

No one knows.

And You Could Go On

You could derive more lessons from the death of August Ames.

Some of the obvious bits that we do all the time – “why are homosexuals allowed to bully a woman to death on Twitter but we’re not allowed to post frog cartoons?”

And some more esoteric ones. I could do 5,000 words on Shane O Mac’s obituary tweet for his favorite pornstar.

That is why the event is so great.

The Matrix analogy of the Jewish system is real, and this is a glitch in the Matrix. And people have to pause at this. Because it doesn’t make sense, based on what they have been told about the way the universe works. It’s the equivalent of seeing a man jump up and start flying – “but wait, reality doesn’t allow this – what is going on with reality? Is it broken?”

And every time something like this takes place, more people move closer to questioning the entire system.

We have already won the war of ideas. This is now a brutal power struggle for hearts and minds of young white men – between us and the Jews – as we attempt to reach critical mass and they attempt to collapse the whole structure in on us.

This is our war.

We were born into it and born to fight it.

And it is winnable.

I promise you that.

Embrace it.

You don’t have any choice but to embrace it or to become a casualty of it.

Running away just means getting shot in the back and dying as a coward.

Hail Victory.