When Mike Cernovich Used to be Cool

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 1, 2018

The title is actually a lie.

Mike Cernovich was never cool.

He was always a manipulative marketer attempting to exploit political radicals in order to make money and get famous.

But he used to do this in a way that I found much more agreeable than the way he does it now.

He has recently gone insanely pro-Jew.

He says the Jews are fighting “globalism.”

For those of you asking the obvious question: “who exactly is Mike Cernovich’s audience?”

Honestly, I’m a bit confused about that myself, but I think it is baby boomers, mainly. No reasonable person is interested in this “half way” shit he does, anymore than a reasonable person is interested in having a sexual encounter interrupted by a Swat team. Things need to reach their logical and intended conclusion, and when you say “liberalism is bad, but it only exists because of white people who want to destroy themselves or whatever,” you have not done that.

The Alt-Lite is now just conservatism 1.0. Cernovich is trying to be a slightly less edgy and astonishingly less talented version of Rush Limbaugh.

Except that Rush would never marry a Paki.

The guy’s been married four times.

Zero out of those four were Pakis.

Cernovich going full-Jew is something of a big deal, since I don’t think he wanted to do that any more than he wanted to call out the Jews. It requires him to forever cut off the option of switching to a more popular movement.

He’s now written an article saying that Paul Nehlen “betrayed a lot of people” by coming out against the Jews.

You don’t come back from that.

(1. https://archive.fo/GTvpo  2. https://archive.fo/O8rof  3. https://archive.fo/AjDCb  4. https://archive.fo/kDmah)